Every time it’s being recommended it’s always falling apart because they can never actually come up with a safe ID verification system. It’s just idiot politicians who come up with these policies without thinking them through, don’t be praising that kind of lackluster thought process.
The idea is solid even if the execution is awful. I didn’t say they were doing it WELL. Just that keeping track of who is doing what online will be v v v important is body enhancements grow in popularity. You really want black hats hacking people’s body parts? Lemmy is kek sometimes
The idea itself of tracking everything everyone does has been awful since long before the internet even existed.
That sounds like you agree the idea isn’t bad just the execution btw lmao… :D
No I’m saying that the execution has never been anywhere close to acceptable.
I have not given my opinion on the matter one way or the other because it’s irrelevant
Those with intelligence are able to accept and analyze an idea without agreeing with it
He obviously said that. How can you be smug that he agreed with you about the idea of it? Jesus Christ you are addicted to the idea you’re the smartest one in the room aren’t you… :D