If you want a printer to “just work”, have an upgrade path to the next version when they come out, and don’t require a cloud account, then Prusa is a good choice.
If you want open source, open schematics, and open everything, then Voron based printers are a good choice.
There’s also tons of printers out there, just don’t support these shady lock-in manufacturers. Let’s not let 3d printing become what inkjet printing did.
thank you, you understood my question correctly. thank you for your advice.
As a relative novice Prusa was great. Also they sell the printers cheaper if you’re willing to assemble yourself - not only is it fun, but it gives you a much better understanding of the product. I feel like I really know how mine works because I built it!
Remember, you can download schematics, firmware on github, etc for Prusa as well. https://www.prusa3d.com/page/open-source-at-prusa-research_236812/