It was a got damn stunt, offc

    02 months ago

    I use a Canadian keyboard because it’s easier 😆 but I live in the US just under the great lakes. EST time. Though believe that if you wish. I am influenced by many cultures around the world from Norse, Chinese and more!

          2 months ago

          Yes, in America, where the “we” that you include yourself in, resides.

          Honestly, was a bit hesitant to help you realize the holes in your grift by highlighting them, but I do appreciate that you are at least willing to learn, you absolute scoundrel you.

          Don’t worry though, plenty of other obvious, repeated mistakes in your regular prose, that I haven’t pointed out here, that also 100% give you away as you attempt to deceive folks.

          Oh well! Further Innovative!

            2 months ago

            Why do you assume I’m ever trying to deceive people? Everything I say is what I mean. I refuse to lie to anyone. If you can’t believe that American’s have different ways of speaking is odd with how broad of a country this is. I not only have autism but am influenced by as I said Norse and Chinese Culture. I do assume though by seeing the way you engage. You live in a relatively small ideal possibly even hinting at Abrahamic Culture. As most Christians at least in my experience show this level of ignorance and lack of respect for a diverse culture and community. Also I want to ask that as before I saw you quoted Meng Tian, possibly to mock the idea of me being a pupil. I ask you to respect this idea or at least him. As many throughout the world understand and know he is a grand innovator and military genius. From every corner of the world!