These are enterprise drives, they aren’t going to contain anything pirated. They are probably going to one of those cloud providers you don’t want to upload your data to.
I can easily buy enterprise drives for home use. What are you on about?
There’s a big difference between “most people” in your original comment and your shift to “I” in this reply. That’s what the other commenter is “on about”
Do consumer oriented stores not carry them in your country? I can, as a private person, simply buy them from a consumer computer parts store. Anyone can. You can order one from here if you want, but idk how they’d manage delivery lol
How do you get from there to your theory that “most people” buying these drives will be consumer pirates and not enterprise customers. That’s where you lose everyone.
I meant most private citizens buying them when I said “most people”, sorry if that wasn’t clear. A lot more will be bought by enterprise customers which have their own use cases and their own rules for backups and such. I was specifically talking about people as private individuals. I guess I forgot this wasn’t the self hosting community lol
I think maybe you also forgot that it’s important to say what you mean if you want to be understood.