Blogger discovers this cool thing called “RSS”.
If it’s open source, you could perhaps tinker with the algorithm. My main desires for rss feeds are:
- a way to filter out fluff affiliate link articles (e.g., 8 best gadgets on sale for prime day)
- a way to cluster articles on the same topic (i don’t really need to read 5 articles about the same news item)
Any clue if nunti could do that?
Newsblur can do the first kind of filtering. You select “best gadgets” in the title, and all posts on that feed with that phrase in the title will be hidden from then on.
Feeder can do keyword filtering on titles, but not on a per feed basis, and only with simple wildcards. I’ve been able to filter out a bit with it, though.
Man, I feel you on the affiliate link fluff. I actually ended up unsubscribing from the Popular Mechanics and Popular Science feeds because the signal to noise ratio was so bad.
The creator of Nunti provided a very good primer on the algorithm design here. Basically, you indicate to the app whether you like or dislike an article and then it does some keyword extraction in the background and tries to show you similar articles in the future. I suppose you might be able to dislike a bunch of the fluff and hope the filter picks up on it, but it isn’t really designed to support the kind of rules that would completely purge a certain type of content from your feed.
Oh wow, they really did a good job of explaining it. It’s not too complex. I think it probably would be able to filter out some of the fluff.