from the pay-more-for-less! dept
I honestly don’t understand the visceral anger aimed at any business with a non-essential product offering.
It’s as if the individual complaining should be diagnosed with a variant of consumerism.
If you don’t like the pricing of a non-essential product, don’t buy it. But if you still desire said product to such an extreme that you pirate it, recognize your shortcomings.
This discussion would be wholly different if we were discussing healthcare, food, or any other necessity.
So, if you’re having an emotional reaction to a Netflix price increase, maybe you should get outside and touch some grass?
I think all the people flooding this thread with piracy advocacy are having a much more emotional reaction than any actual Netflix subscribers.
I’d pirate meds if I needed them and had to deal with American pricing
I’m keeping space available for the day I can download a car
Does life really have to get ever shittier, just because a few people need more money?
Sure, everyone can live without Netflix. But some entertainment is good, not just individually, but also socially. Lots of public entertainment has died down during the pandemic. Now entertainment is getting more expensive while people already have too little money because everything else got too expensive.
Where does this end? When everyone can barely afford rent & food, and nothing else? After all, nothing else is essential, right?
Yeah I really don’t know what a fair price for streaming is. They can charge what they want and I’ll pay if I think it’s worth it.
My current pattern is to keep one or two streaming services at a time and when I run out of shows I drop one and add a different one.
People are disappointed though that the service used to be a much better value. It’s like most things that start out good and become “enshittified” as the service provider tries to extract more and more profit.
TLDR: To make a long story short, Netflix used to be the crown jewel that had everything. Now they arguably have a much worse catalog, for a higher price, on a platform you can’t have your family members share because they live in another household.
I definitely see your point but I can also sympathize with the other point. The way I see it, the market is saturated with streaming services that all get, I assume, licenses to show different shows/movies.
Because of this, consumers are spreading their spending between platforms to potentially watch only specific shows. I would guess that most people really only have a few movies/shows they actually want to watch. The rest being filler.
As an example, maybe people bought paramount+ for Yellowstone. Sure maybe SpongeBob or others that they have, but compared to their entire offering, that’s only a few. Maybe that 10-15 dollars a month makes it worth it but when you keep raising it and offer worse items or cancel actually good shows while keeping alive shitty ones because they’re trending (subjective, I know) then that’s where the anger can stem from I think.