Summarizing video showing MS’ horrible practicies regarding Office 365’s subscription tiers, where they basically forcefully upgrade you to a higher tier subscription, and at the same time renaming the tier names so you won’t notice…
why did you go w only office instead of LibreOffice?
It sounds more kinky
The UI, LibreOffice looks like it’s stuck in 2007, OnlyOffice has basically the same UI as Microsoft Office. I know that’s a negative for a lot of people but it’s what I’m used to already.
fair enough.
honestly if i had my way i’d still use windows 98 and AI would have never been developed. same with facebook.
Libreoffice also has a ribbon ui option
I did not know this. Will give it a try. Are formulas the same as in Excel? I really can’t be bothered to learn new formulas again and I need it to be 100% compatible with people working with office.
Been a moderate user of Excel but started a new budget in LibreOffice Calc recently and so far it seems 1:1, including using commands like VLOOKUP and SUMIF