I miss my Pebble Time Round every day, it’s the only smart watch that I owned that I actually liked. I even bought a second and got it running via Rebble.
They both died due to a swollen battery but I’ve been pining for something similar for years! Hope this pans out
Same. I bought one of those ifixit kits and tried to repair mine, but it turns out the wires are very small and I couldnt get everything hooked back in.
I thought about trying but decided it wasn’t worth it. IIRC there was like ONE guy who had the batteries and could do it if you mailed it to him lol.
All on I actually bought 4 time rounds in addition to my OG Pebble, as my wife had two as well. She’s just as stoked as I am. Big Pebble fans all around!
Man I would love that contact :)
I’m personally going to keep my old Casio running til the end of time. But I hope the new watches are repairable, cause I don’t fully trust Google (but rebbel is solid).