Is this an option that exists or could be added in the future?
30% off would make the pricing feel less steep
My company tried transitioning app subscriptions to alternatives outside the app stores and it was not worth it. Credit card fraud was a massive issue. It got so bad the payment networks (Visa, MasterCard) threatened to ban us from their networks.
Google and Apple aren’t totally rent seeking.
Interesting, thanks for the insight
30% def too high tho haha
Honestly not really when compared to the alternative. Our net payout through alternatives was closer to 60%. We experienced a bot attack one month where we actually lost money due to generating massive transaction fees on bogus chargebacks.
I thought Google shifted to a flat 15% anyway (especially for small app developers). It’s really a no brainer for app developers then.
Def forgot they switched to 15% for the first million. That’s very reasonable