“You can’t steal that public data! We stole it first!”
And considering that’s exactly what Microsoft did to Apple with point and click, what irony!
They didn’t steal it from Smith & Wesson?
Oh really? **Rabbit hole unlocked
The relevant part of Pirates of Silicon Valley. After which you should watch the whole thing. It’s fan fiction, but it’s the best explanation of what happened between Apple and Microsoft leading into the 1990s.
They both stole point and click from Xerox if my memory serves me correctly
Apple did pay Xerox for it if I’m remembering right
Yep, Apple paid with shares (More specifically, the right to buy $1 million dollars worth at the initial share price) which, according to a share calculator I just tried, would be worth nearly $328 million these days, I wonder if Xerox kept them or offloaded them early.
Considering Xerox was utterly uninterested in any of the tech they had, it’s worked out well.
yeah xerox invented the GUI and mouse
Actually, it was invented by Douglas Engelbart in Stanford in the 60s
Xerox (re)made it for the PC in the 80s.
Ah TIL! I didn’t know it originated elsewhere.
So while it’s true Apple and Microsoft got the idea from Xerox, Xerox didn’t originate it.