In a better world, I might hope for this to be the beginning of the end for social media and online ads. In this one, well…
Now, can Facebook shut down to the Green Day’s “Good Riddance (Time of your life)”?
I don’t know. Haven’t been playing that close enough attention. Wake Me Up When September Ends.
No. They only get “Want You Gone” from the Portal 2 soundtrack.
Go make some new disaster
That’s what I’m counting on
You’re someone else’s problem
Now I only want you gone
What a coincidence, Trump’s loyalty purge email was titled “A fork in the road”
God damn it these fucking techbro loligarchs and their dipshit nerd humor.
Hurr hurr we’re making a fork of the US government code hurr durr.
What a bunch of juvenile fucking delinquents.