That’s a propaganda article.
They are removing children away from Frontline, something Palestinians can only dream of.Think about that. You’re the one regurgitating russian propaganda
I believe america is broke.
It lost manufacturing advantage and rapidly falling behind china in most areas. Nothing is made here anymore.And then - us won’t engage in the open conflict with Russia, it can’t - which means the only option is sending weapons and hopes and prayers.
This model - the only thing it accomplishes is prolonging the suffering with inevitable ukraine defeat. Same with Taiwan - us can’t win that war and should just let it go.
I don’t see a point in that. I don’t care about that.
I say - just cut a deal with Putin and move along.This is one of the few things I agree with Trump on.
No, it lets people fight for their homes. It stops russian colonialism. The only thing the US COULD do is beat other countries at war… for now. Cutting a deal with putin is pulling a Chamberlain, russia will keep committing atrocities and anexing others.
Their current Ukrainian government is harassing their language and heritage. Do u know the majority of Ukrainians speak Russian?
Russia gives Ukrainians full citizenship with all rights and preserves medical and pensions. And evacuated children away from warzone. Russia Cares.
Israel just wants empty space and genocides everyone.
If russia cared they wouldn’t target schools and hospitals. They would abduct children to indoctrinate Ukranian children. If russia cared they wouldn’t invade a sovereign nation. You talk about propaganda, my person you are spouting kremlin propaganda. russia doesn’t care. Slava Ukraini
Ukraine is not a real country.
Sooner or later - no more nazis@humble_pete_digger @T00l_shed @technology dont boost this kind of stuff please…
Yes once the russians are dead there will be no more nazis. And Ukraine is a real country. Slava Ukraini
@T00l_shed @humble_pete_digger man, you are responding to a troll or a bot… dont bother…
Yeah I’m done engaging with them.
You’ve lied about me over and over and now you expect me to believe that?
Still waiting to hear what you’ve done to try to stop the genocide. Other than lie about people online, obviously.
I called my reps.
And I advocate online.U just banned me under some absolutely fake reason. Go home israelloving troll
Still lying about me I see.
And I think we both know why.
Looking it up, I see the “fake reason” you were banned was bigotry.
Doesn’t look like a fake reason to me.
Where did u find bigotry in my comment? U are just hellbent on defending Israeli murderers
Yes, you’ve already made it very clear that you think Jew = Israeli.
And apparently that you don’t think that’s bigoted. It is.
Yes, you’ve already made it very clear that you think Jew = Israeli.
And apparently that you don’t think that’s bigoted. It is.
Be honest - are u Jewish?
Why? So you could say “okay, you aren’t Israeli” if I say no?
Because you already know I’m a Jew, which is why you insist I support Israel despite every single comment I have ever made saying exactly the opposite.
Feel free to find one single comment I have made in support of Israel. You have my whole comment history to search both here and on Reddit.
Because otherwise, it’s very clear that you only think I support Israel because I’m a Jew.