2080 will play more than a lifetime supply of indie games. No need to continue supporting anti consumer AAA games
I get rarely but newer AAA titles but grab them later on sale. There will be a point when either my card fails or just can’t keep up. If I’m pigeon holed to only lower graphics games, so be it.
Don’t worry. You can always just buy Skyrim again.
Eh just get into the used pc parts market and upgrade to the 5090 when it is made obsolete by the 7090
Yea, really I just wanted to piss and moan about Nvidia. Realistically, I’ll find alternatives if the need arises, but it won’t be to the tune of a $3k purchase.
Haha it’s ridiculous and they are basically using the Apple model where they charge obscene amounts for just more memory. It will only last while they have their AI moat. That moat is under a multi-pronged attack and will eventually lose one way or another
We can only hope.