Because of Newt Gingrich. He started the entire “democrats are the enemy” back in the 90s, fox News amped it up to 11 for 30 plus years, a black man had the temerity to win the white house (twice!), and Russia tactics flooded newly formed social media with a vast bot network to drive a massive wedge in-between the two parties via race issues.
Newt Gingrich, the Tea Party and the Citizens United ruling made the partisan politics this bad, but this plan was put into action in the 70s after Nixon.
It goes back even further than that. Pretty much immediately after the New Deal “they” set about to undo it. It’s a long listen but worth checking out How Conservatism Won by Robert Evans. He lays out in a clear concise way “how a consortium of rich failsons got together to fund a network of right wing think tanks and shift American culture in a fun new direction. (note: it was not actually fun at all).”
it’s worth remembering that one of the primary ghouls/traitors responsible for the attempted overthrow of our government on J6 was Roger Stone, the same traitorous ratfucker who began his career working for Nixon and has a fucking Nixon tattoo on his back. It’s really impossible to overstate just how fuckin’ bad these people are and they’re winning.
tl;dr the shadowy cabals the rightwing says are behind everything is classic projection again, they’re controlled by shadowy cabals of rich people