It’s more likely to be political apathy with the Brits. Most of us don’t seem to get and/or bother about politics…also only around 25% of the country were dense enough to vote for Brexit.
Yeah you are probably right, as the saying goes: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
But then again, Brexit was mostly about xenophobia, which is both.
So I suspect it’s more that the 2 go together.I’d say you’re a bit right also. People here love Trump and Musk also, but maybe not the same people.
As a final point, I fucking hate Brexit…”one small step for Europe, one giant leap backwards for Great Britain”.
Yeah it’s like when people from UK ask if there aren’t any benefits? Oh yes there is, not as many as there are drawbacks, and unfortunately the benefits are all on the EU side. 😋
Ah well, the Brits are still our friends, where would we be if it hadn’t been for Monty Python? I suppose formal cooperation will be build up again over time, like we have with Norway. But it would have been better if Brexit had never happened, and that’s on both sides IMO.
AfD in Germany also love Musk now that he has expressed support for them. There are idiots everywhere.Why do people just make up shit and repeat it as if it’s fact?
Because 29% and 3 in 10 are people. And that’s too many people.
If you want to be like that then “people” love trump and musk everywhere and its not unique to the UK. Saying “people here love trump and musk” when for example 55% of people in the UK have a “very unfavourable” opinion of him is very misleading. More people are very unfavourable than unfavourable, neutral, favourable very favourable and don’t know put together.
But we were specifically talking about the U.K., and as you have pointed out, some people here do like Trump and Musk.
I’ll word what I say better next time.