I am, there saved them the trouble.
Come screw with my first constitutional rite, and my iron clad citizenship.
They put you somewhere that you have no communication with the outside world. Now what?
The eyes and the groin should be the first targets according to Bruce Lee
You haven’t watched or read much dystopian fiction (or fact, as below), have you?
My mind always goes to that one scene in Roots where, below decks on the slaver ship, the captured slaves-to-be stage a revolt and resolve to swim to the bank of the river the ship is sailing on. They succeed in reaching the top deck, a masterpiece of planning, only to become dazed both by the daylight as well as the fact there was no riverbank in sight.
Those poor bastards were from inland, had probably never been more than a few miles from their villages. They literally couldn’t conceive of something as large as the Atlantic ocean.
Likewise you’re failing to conceive all the ways that your plans won’t work. You really think you’ll get to someone’s crotch or eyes? And if you do, that you’ll not be overcome and won’t get that opportunity next time?
The only hope is a whole heap of incompetence on behalf of the captor. And in that case you will still not win the fight. Run.
And hope there’s a riverbank nearby or else you’re cooked.
Cute that you think they give a damn about the constitution
Not that I am arguing for simply rolling over but:
Come screw with my first constitutional rite, and my iron clad citizenship.
When push comes to shove, they won’t give a flying fuck about a piece of paper that says they can’t do that. Just ask anyone who’s been to Gitmo on either side of the bars.
Then when push comes to shove, I will not consider their safety.
Yeah, that part pisses me off to no end. If they lock up even one Citizen in gitmo…
Doesn’t have to be Gitmo. I recommend reading Little Brother and according to one hacker, so does the NSA.