This site provides absolutely no evidence of any of its claims and even includes the following little gem in the FAQ section on that page:
Is PayPal Safe?
Yes, all Paypal transactions are encrypted. Plus, it has two-factor authentication and fraud protection.
Safe for its customers, or safe for PayPal?
The site was a quick roundup of info to link to. Post isn’t an endorsement of the site and doesn’t try to be, it’s an endorsement of the broader idea. I didn’t say to eat a bowl of horseshit and smile about it, I said PayPal owns Venmo and the implication is that a lot of decent people will stop using Paypal in protest and say, “I’ll just use Venmo instead”.
So helping some of the younger folks realize that separation doesn’t exist in many large brands - a thing that a lot of us do know and consider, but don’t be so arrogant as to assume people aren’t learning these things every day.