Ya missed my point a bit. Maybe I wasn’t so clear. I’m not saying strip clubs prove women are more horny. I’m saying it is reaonsable to assume asymertic distribution of gender roles in strip clubs is influenced by our current culture more than biology. Given no actual evidence it is reasonable to see it either way.
Saying “Just look!” is as good as “Common sense”. Its extremely culturally embeded and not necessarily reflective of any underlying truth.
I’m saying you didn’t prove anything to me. I’m not saying whether anything is true or untrue at a global level.
Woman may be more or less horny than men. In my sample they are more horny. Maybe I’m just getting older.
As the conversation is about people who exist in the world as it is, not theoretical women in an abstract land, it seems perfectly reasonable to include the current distribution as skewed by current culture.
Did you mean to respond to a different thread where people were talking about biologically and removed culture conditions?
I get a little lost in the sauce when I get typing. I stand by most of what I said, but maybe some isn’t pertinent.
Let me try and be super clear. In my sample women are more horny than men. In yours it is the other way.
Giving examples of men being outwardly sexual doesn’t prove that they feel it more. Just because more businesses cater to men doesn’t mean they feel it more. You are giving very surface level and indirect proof and calling it evidence.
I’m not working in abstract land, just not your land I guess.
Edit: I checked, the argument is about your evidence being mid. That’s been my position from the start. I don’t even agree that men and women are equally horny, but I don’t think you disproved it with strip clubs.
Unsure where you’re getting my sample from.
I’m using actual things that exist rather than my own experience because I understand that my experiences are not universal and are inherently subjective. Making blanket statements based on anyone’s experience is nonsensical.
And businesses, like online porn catering to men are pretty decent proof that men are hornier, that’s how capitalism works. Where a desire exists, businesses will fill it. Unless women are drastically poorer (a little so but hardly enough to rationalize an entire industry all but not existing) then a lack of demand indicates… you guessed it, a lack of demand.
What if women’s sexuality is felt differently, and porn isn’t a perfect fit?
Here is how you sound: Do you know much about smut novels? Women must be much more horny given that they buy way more of those than guys do. No reason guys would buy less other than being less horny.
Yes, romance novels are popular, relative to the dying publishing industry. In terms of money per industry, there’s no comparing online porn to smut novels though.
Basically, all you’ve been able to claim is that you have known some ladies you feel are as horny as you think average guys are and no amount of “okay, let’s see if this holds up in the world beyond your perception of a handful of people” will change your mind. It’s kind of wild in a silly little way.
I’m super curious if there’s any evidence anyone could present that would change your mind?
Edit: Was curious, turns out global pornography (all genders) is worth somewhere between 10 and 97 billion annually. In comparison, the entire romance novel industry is worth about almost 1.5 billion.
What would prove it to me? Good question it’d have to be grounded. I don’t like to claim I know things I can’t know. Who’s hornier is just such a tough question. Everyone experiences hornyness in different ways and we can’t really order them or make equivalences easily.
Basically there’d have to be a good definition of “this action equals this much hornyness” and I haven’t seen anything presented that can measure that in a satisfactory way.
I mean I could draw a hot picture for myself for free and that wouldn’t be counted in the frame “horniness is measured in money”. I really am not convinced by the money stats. Sex is often free.
I really don’t think we have the tools to answer this question. At least I haven’t seen them.
Edit: spelling
I mean, yes, sex is often free but if one gender is willing to pay significantly more it seems like a pretty reasonable indicator that one gender values/desires sex more.
I dunno, just seems like you are very much determined that something is true with zero evidence. Some people have religion, you have this belief. Except with religion, there’s not reams of physical evidence you’ve decided to disregard because you dislike the conclusions they represent.
Homie idk how many times I gotta say it. I’m agnostic to who’s more horny. I get why I seem stubborn.
You can believe what you want. Your evidence is too indirect to convince me.
I really think we’re arguing slightly different things though. Like it is even important for me say wealth inequality in the world means that sex spending better represents rich countries interests? Therefore has a very very large cultural bias. Not abstact, real cultures are different. Lots of people are unaccounted in your metric, and lots of peope are extremely over counted.
I can be convinced, you just haven’t done it. I am not confident the data is out there. Spending definitely has too many flaws to be a good indicator.