because every dating app is 70% males, 25% trolls, 4% female chatbots, 0.9% trans, 0.1% females. and every single message with your match costs $10
dis mf said females
Possibly to differentiate from the trans women, who were mentioned immediately prior?
Trans females!
At least he kept it consistent with males
I figure it’s just as valid to be attracted to females vs. males (or any other option) as it’s valid to be attracted to women vs. men (or any other option).
It’s when you say “men blah blah blah and females blah blah blah” that you obviously think of the latter as unequal, and almost certainly lesser.
It sucks because dating apps are a pretty trash experience all around, and definitely have some fundamental demographic issues, but god damn do the incels go wild whenever the conversation comes up.
That overwhelming male engagement is why Grindr has been so much fun on the whole.
There’s a pun in there to be had…