Please go to Apple Maps and harass them mecilessly
Meant to reply earlier, sorry. I assume that it waits for several inputs to verify. I have completed some streets in my area and there’s no changes as of yet. I think its more of a hobby thing. I like going around, getting out of the house and getting some fresh air while having a goal. Things like Pokemon Go just didn’t do it for me. I can easily see my tiny town not having much in the way of public infrastructure data, tbh.
I do understand where you’re coming from. If its just not your cup of tea, it does seem silly.
As far as I know the edits are applied immediately in the backend, however the rendering of the changes can take some days.
Oh strange. I’ll have to check my account. There may be some verification steps I missed, because I know you have to do something to confirm that your edits are trustworthy.
I just checked how it is for me to be sure. My Streetcomplete changes show up immediately on