The wasteful spending is in defense and ain’t nobody looking into that…
Look at the bright side, the Evil Empire is over! America is done. Cooked. The next few years are gonna suck a lot but the deteriorating conditions will finally push Americans into a second revolution.
0.001 ElonCoin says that absolutely nobody will revolt against anything.
70% of the country either wants this or was too lazy to do a single thing to stop it, and the other 30% is too busy yelling at each other about how they’re the most pure.
Ain’t shit gonna happen.
Your figures are reversed.
Not voting was a vote for Nazis, so yeah, the ~40% that did not vote are being clumped in with them.
That’s what I said…
Sadly, the deteriorating conditions are exactly what some groups want. Those are also the ones who can affect change, either with guns or money.