I doubt this will ever become any useful at all. 50 Watts is nothing compared to what the car engine outputs at high speed. Even a small engine has some 35kW, i.e. 35000 Watts.
I doubt regenerative braking will be ever useful at all because Lord knows you’re not going to get the same energy back that you took out while driving. /s
This is just to increase efficiency.
I could see it maybe being used as an emergency back up alternator, just enough to keep lights on and engine firing (with storage) to get you to safety.
Wouldn’t be powerful enough actually. You’re better off having a battery that’s in good condition. I’ve done nearly 100 km with the alternator belt off. It being a diesel, it didn’t need to fire sparks though.
It being a diesel, it didn’t need to fire sparks though.
That’s cheating :P
Do alternators fail that often?
Nope. It does suck when they do.