if you needed to find a source for the heaviest pokemon say that and you have a better chance, otherwise you get random comments its scraped
I just asked it what the heaviest Pokemon was, and it said wailord. I dont care about what it uses as a source as long as it’s right.
What is the heaviest pokemon according to the pokedex? The heaviest Pokémon according to the Pokédex is Celesteela, which weighs 2204.4 lbs (999.9 kg). It’s an Ultra Beast introduced in Pokémon Sun & Moon and resembles a massive rocket.
Interestingly, the Pokédex caps weights at 999.9 kg, so Celesteela might not even be its true maximum weight!
It’s still wrong and it even has the information in its own chat to know it is wrong. It’s literally contradicting itself.
ai does that doesnt make it less useful for factual information lol, you literally yourself said that its a question with no answer that is up to debate
It has an answer that isn’t up for debate. It’s celesteela and cosmoem. Both of them. They weigh the same.
Saying one weighs more is just wrong.
Use a tool wrong and its useless, use it correctly and save some time, or complain that it isnt perfect and cant do everything for you, idc either way, I used it, worked for me, I got good grades, graduated with my degree and still use ai when I need it time to time, never been an issue, if you expect it to be your guide to fiction, good luck