This is why I almost never get any Digital Book. The only digital books I have are books that were free either originally or through a giveaway, or that were severely discounted and I already owned physically. That’s also why I don’t buy movies or TV series digitally. You’re just renting these things, and you’re only renting them when you have an internet connection.
You can download and keep countless ebooks from
Physical vs. DRMed digital is not a dichotomy. Personally for books, I do prefer paper ones - and mostly read in my language on paper. However, pretty much all non-fiction I read is in English, and getting it in paper would cost a fortune (English books are not sold here that much as we’re not an English-speaking country, and shipping would likely cost more than the book itself).
As for movies and music - it’s all digital DRMless as well, unlike books, there isn’t even a functional difference between a file from a tracker vs. a file from a DVD, except that you wouldn’t have to throw out a perfectly good disk after ripping.