Its Linux compatible or garbage. Bottom line. My Android phone is discharging faster than a bucket with a hole, but I’m keeping it as long as I can. I need to get me an Ubuntu phone.
This ewaste has like 1 hour of battery life and it’s so locked up that even the company itself can’t reset/refurbish the returns and just trash them
Can’t you just replace the battery somehow? My phone’s old battery had an adhesive which the repairman just cut, then he put in a new adhesive and battery in.
The only way to open this thing is to remove the screen… Which is the only way to certify that I am me for all work related stuff…2FA is such a pita. So if I fuck up, that could be the loss of just my phone or all my e-mail. Lol, just kidding, I got backups. But boy, what a piece of shit way of doing things. I’m out. The hackers can have it all.
Jesus how old is your phone?
4 years. That’s not really old at all. They just throttle your battery’s capacity.