It actually leads to a fantastic product and more free time because you’re not having to babysit kids who think the world owes them something because they can code ‘hello world’ in python.
Then the old maintainers retire and die, and so does their precious baby that was ‘open source’ but not really, stranding it all in an old distro. But hey, who cares how shitty the world is after you die amirite?
The code is open and there for you to read. What you’re actually saying is you’re too lazy to read and understand it because the world owes you something. amirite?
Lol you sound like a Russian bot. That take is wildly off-topic and in bad faith. Reread the thread and come back
I can insult you, but you can’t call me out because I’ll insult you again. lulz!!
Something something bad faith arguments.
It honestly (usually) does lead to a fantastic product! I maintain my own significantly used tools independently and completely agree. I also have seen locally (as a corporate pawn and life-long software engineer) what happens once somebody quits and no longer maintains their beautiful project(s).
You work so much FASTER alone than you do in a group. You also can NEVER get as far with your tool when you work alone. I think the best FOSS tools are born from independent savant developers, but for them to reliably be carried on, they have to be passed down to SOMEONE. It’s not your job to foster the entire next generation of tablet-children to be able to push golden commits to your curl 2.0 repo; it is pretty worthwhile to foster at least a handful of interested and headstrong people to understand your work in its entirety, and carry on its progress. And then they can do the same, and FOSS will live on forever (as it SHOULD be).
You probably spent an obscene amount of time developing an S+ tier piece of tooling, it would be pertinent to spend another marginal month or so to raise some lil star to be able to mimic your work once you tap out.
Having more free time is cool, but there’s more things in life. As MC Ride said: “LIKE GETTING YOUR DICK. RODE ALL FUCKING NIGHT.” Find some lil dick rider to carry on your shit.