This is the kind of stuff that makes it really hard to justify using linux.
I was told to use Mint because I was told it would work with modern hardware.
Can I just update the Kernal sonehow? or does that require a reinstall of Mint?
You could install an alternative kernel and install that, but this would most likely fuck your mint install since it is built for that specific major kernel version eg. You only get x.xx.->yy<- updates, rest needs major mint upgrade which they release “late” compared to rolling distros like openSuse Tumbleweed.
Maybe there is an up to date out of tree version of the kernel from lwfinger that you can install, which dongle did you get?
The problems you encounter exist, because of the popular chicken and egg problem, where chip designer ignore linux due to user base and user base is small because of not same chip support as proprietary OSs.
It’s a Netgear Nighthawk AXE3000