Well, I’m still skeptical, but I have far more trust in France’s reporting than Chinese claims.
So just blatant Sinophobia.
China: Spews blatant and obvious lies about everything that does or does not cast a shadow. Heavily censors any source.
Some guy: I don’t trust information coming from China.
China (and shills): That’s sinophobic!!
Yeah. Surely we can believe the anti-China stuff! Our own government wouldn’t lie to us! /s
I never said “our” Government wouldn’t lie to us (unless you’re Chinese, in which case they definitely will). I just said that the Chinese government constantly lies, which is easily seen by anyone with eyes.
Yeah, just like all that anti-white sentiment towards the US because we elected a president who almost passes for off-white.
Though I suppose there could be other reasons if we dig deep enough.
They’re part of the same global research effort.
Nice jingoism tho
This is great if so, is it so?
Oh, good old ITER. There where news from records from China, anyone know if this is related to ITER-project somehow and is it multinational project?
edit. probably this: https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/nuclear-energy/chinas-artificial-sun-shatters-nuclear-fusion-record-by-generating-steady-loop-of-plasma-for-1-000-seconds
Yup it is related to ITER -project, so this is a nice thing going on in international scene apparently
SUM: it is so
China had a long history of fraudulent science that they need to dig out of to gain a good reputation.
Do you know what “collaboration” means?
It’s almost like they’ve got peers all over the world looking at their data!
Because a shit ton of fraudulent science hasn’t come out of the US or Europe. Nope. No sir.
Nothing like the very highly reliable pharmaceutical “science” done in the US, amirite?
Its not like we ever had “science” come from the US that said an extremely powerful opioid wasn’t addictive, amirite?
TIL not believing a genocidal dictatorship is extremist nationalism
Who’s talking about America?
Comrade Xinnie.
America doesn’t have a government. It’s a continent. Are you possibly referring to the USA?
In North America they teach that North America and South America are 2 separate continents.
When someone refers to “America” in the contexts of countries they 9 times out of 10 mean the US. Since people from there usually call themselves “Americans” rather than “United statians”
huh, I learned a few new words today
for others who want to know
Jingoism: noun
Extreme Nationalism characterized by a belligerent foreign policy
A bellicose patriotism; aggressive chauvinism; belligerence in international relations
Bellicose: adjective
warlike or hostile in manner or temperment
inclined to war or contention
warlike in nature/aggressive;hostile
Chauvinism: noun
Militant devotion to and glorification of one’s country; fanatical patriotism.
Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one’s own gender, group, or kind.
Blind and absurd devotion to a fallen leader or an obsolete cause; hence, absurdly vainglorious or exaggerated patriotism.