Apple said users who already had it turned on will be given a period of time to disable it in order to keep using their iCloud accounts, although the length of time was not stated.
I’m in the UK and have ADP enabled but I am yet to be informed by Apple when/if it will be disabled in the future. I’m glad we had a change in government but this is a serious misstep from Labour.
ETA: I’ve written to my local MP to voice my disapproval of this “technical capability notice” and I urge anyone else in the UK to do so as well.
Start a petition, I’m sure people will sign it based on how serious this could be for security in general
When was the last time a petition achieved anything? Better off writing directly to your MP. Parliamentary petitions exist purely to allow MPs to ignore the problem as it’s easier to dismiss a few thousand signatures on a petition rather than a few thousand letters stacking up on their desks.
Looking at it from that point of view I agree with what you are saying, I haven’t thought about it that way before.
Both. Do both. Make it easier for them to address the issue than ignore you. Depending on which side of the aisle your MP is on, focus your letter on either “those evil <other side> are doing thus terrible thing, I know you’re bold enough to stand up to them.” or “this policy seems to have the following problems, and it’s leaving you open to attack from <other side>. It’d be a shame if you lost your position over it.”