The technical challenges are real and there’s definitely some time before it goes mainstream, but it seems almost inevitable for this to be the future of gaming.
Streaming movies was once thought unrealistic. Subscription music used to be a fringe product. Even online gaming through consoles/PCs has gone through tremendous change.
Like all the other streaming products, the creators are the ones positioned to get the short end of the stick. Hopefully that can be avoided.
Oh I don’t know about that. Money will stop innovation. It always does. Microsoft and Sony don’t want their cash ciw being split up.
If they stop companies from locking it. That would be barely something
Money is the key and I agree it will take some massive disruption to overcome the current state… But just because someone holds the cash now, doesn’t mean they always will. History teaches that lesson over and over again, especially with new technology.
Uber vs taxi monopolies. Netflix vs Blockbuster. Apple vs BlackBerry.
You aren’t wrong. But usually the changes moves one conglomerate to another.