One of the selling points of cloud gaming is exactly to be able to play it right after purchasing it without all that hassle. No more downloads, installs, game and driver updates, and hardware limitations.
We don’t have that much control over steam games either. Whether the game is in our storage or not doesn’t matter at all. Being able to play it it’s what matters.
Which is why a game streaming service makes sense.
But that’s all it is. A service. You don’t own anything about it. You pay a few bucks a month and get to play games without having the hassle of having a console or pc.
Cloud gaming makes sense and I’m not arguing against that. But not from an ownership perspective. Cloud gaming is gaming as a service in its purest form. A subscription system is perfect for that.
We have never owned any creative work, we are granted the rights to use a copy. It’s always been this way.
Owning was never the important part, it’s about being able to play/use/enjoy it.