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The original was posted on /r/science by /u/calliope_kekule on 2025-03-01 05:53:17+00:00.
Doesn’t China emit like half the amount of carbon per capita compared to the US?
One issue with that is China is still a heavily bike and moped driven country. The issue is when more of their population is able to afford cars. So they could still “catch up”.
Yes, and they are by far the best in green energy And it would be even worse for the US and others if they would produce all the stuff they out now outsource to China.
It’s a typical Chinophobe ‘at what cost’ commenter.
There is literally nothing they can do right.China has a very large capita.
What’s your solution to that
It’s not that there should be a solution per se, more that it impacts their emissions per capita. When person density goes up average per person emissions go down, simple as.
China already “solved” it with the one child policy. They will have the most massive population decline ever in the coming decades. It will probably destroy their economy.