A Facebook group for Cybertruck owners is full of videos and photos of passersby and other drivers flicking them off, leaving notes that say “WHAT’S ELON’S CUM TASTE LIKE?,” and “NAZI CAR,” and people kicking their cars, throwing slices of cheese at it, etc.
I’m sure the synthetic oilly shit has a wonderful reaction with that unprotected stainless steel.
Not to mention that depending on force of the throw, and precise angle of the impact of cheese slice, the thing could start falling apart.
… which now I think about it, also explains the:
“hey police, someone threw cheese at my car, I’m in fear for my life.”
Police : Buddy, you are lucky it wasn’t something much worse, this one time, a friggin acorn hit my car and I…
Fuck! I’d completely forgotten about that! What a fucking mongrel…