I’m connected via a 4G modem. Got this setup about 3 years ago. In the beginning it was enough to look for the public IP (what’s my IP). The modem showed some sort of private ip in the ui. I’m running stuff at home (Homeassistant, Gitea,) and bought a domain and pointed it to my home IP via Cloudflare. After some time I’ve noticed my modem shows the public IP also internally. For about 2 years now it ran flawlessly, the IP changed from time to time, but not really more than once in several weeks. For about a week all stopped working and the modem shows IP 100.xxxx and outside 85.something I guess I’m behind NAT now. Normal port forwarding on the modem is useless now. Is it possible to open the ports via UPNP? I’ve tried via miniupnp from my Ubuntu server, but it just throws an error.
upnpc -a ifconfig enp1s0| grep "inet addr" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1
22 22 TCP
Can I use this to somehow open the ports via UPNP on my modem and bypass the blocking? I can’t even OpenVPN to my modem anymore.
EDIT: i also run AdguardHome, that I use as Private DNS on my Android phone
UPDATE: everything except Adguard Home used as Private DND on my Android works! I’ve used this: https://github.com/mochman/Bypass_CGNAT/wiki/Oracle-Cloud-(Automatic-Installer-Script) - free Oracle VPS + automated well described script. Even HTTPS works fine!
A solid workaround is an ssh reverse tunnel with gateway ports enabled. You can do it for pennies with a cheap VPS.
With this option you open an ssh tunnel outbound and then you can connect back through it from the other side for whatever local services you want to run.
You first need a VPS with a public IP. Here’s a guide that explains it: https://www.howtogeek.com/428413/what-is-reverse-ssh-tunneling-and-how-to-use-it/
Just remember to enable gateway ports in the VPS side sshd.conf and disable or adjust any firewall on the VPS so the internet can come in through the VPS ip address and tunnel back to your local system.
That setup will yield off the chart latency if your VPS is not near your location 😱
For sure. If you really need to host thrn get the right package of internet services for that activity. If you need a fast fix for a small issue, this method gets around most ISP attempts to block hosting.
While I use ssh tunneling to access systems on a temporary basis, usually http, some caveats:
I don’t know of a daemon to set up locally that will re-establish tunnels on power loss and the like. Not technically-difficult, but something one probably wants if this is going to be how he’s gonna get at the system long-term rather than “I just need one-off access”.
One other downside – the service that the user here is aiming to expose is apparently ssh. For me – reaching an http server – wrapping the connection for remote use is desirable. For him, it probably isn’t, as there’ll be two layers of encryption. Not the end of the world, but it’s a hit. You do want encryption in the outer protocol at least insofar as you need it to protect authentication to the VPS anyway.
For reestablishing the connection, use the wrapper ‘autossh’. It can be run from systemd so that it’ll auto start and restart as you command it.
I have a couple instances using this that are absolutely rock solid after years.
How does the data throughput compare to cloudflare or wireguard?
I’m the grandparent commenter, not the parent commenter, but for my very limited use, it’s not noticeable, but I’m also typically just giving a remote machine access to a local web service. I’m not trying to tunnel anything bulk (or where latency is critical, which I’d think might be a larger issue).
The one thing I can say, though, without digging up numbers: ssh is fundamentally TCP-based. It forces ordering on anything it transports. While there are ways to cram UDP through an SSH tunnel, that’s gonna impose an unwanted constraint. if you want to provide access to anything that natively runs on UDP, I’d probably look into a UDP-based VPN – like Wireguard – that doesn’t do that.
Haven’t done any comparisons, but I’m using this in cases where my throughput isn’t too important. I can stream my webcam over it in HD, establish an rdp connection, ssh back through, and control web interfaces like octoprint. It’s acceptable.
The big advantage is that a $2/month vps gets a static IP, therefore I don’t have to worry about a VPN provider changing the IP or blocking ports.
Tunneling an encrypted connection through an encrypted connection is pretty much always a bad idea but when you’re evading CGnat or other network blocks, sometimes it’s the best we can conjure up on a whim.
I need more ports to be exposed - I’m running secure DNS, Git on one port, Webmin on other, Jelllyfin (I can live without that on data), HTTP server on 800/443, Homeassistant 8123,… I also had 3389 open for remote desktop to my Windows machine, etc.
You can reduce some of those ports by using a reverse proxy. Do that you can access git home assistant etc from 443 with a subhuman.
Have you reached out to your ISP to see if they can give you a dynamic public IP? I recently swapped to a new ISP that was using CGNAT but after contacting their support team with my use case, they were happy to set me up with a public IP so I could continue my self-hosting.
This. I had the same situation being put behind CGnat and told them my security webcam needs port forwarding from outside and they had me back to a public IP within minutes.
ISPs in Canada usually include a clause in their TOS that explicitly prohibits selfhosting. Don’t move here, it sucks.
I don’t know Canada laws but does it only apply if you make money off it (or intend to). Self hosting Jellyfin server is basically just delayed uploading.
Afaik it’s at the ISP’s digression. Up until I switched, Bell would block ports 21, 22, 53, 80 and 443.
That’s pretty nice compromise. 80 and 443 are the ones mainly used commercially
It’s kinda shitty of them to block the ports that makes up +30 years of what the internet IS. Bell/Rogers want your internet connection to be unidirectional, when you host your own content you don’t consume theirs.
Yeah, not arguing that, it doesn’t cost them extra to allow those. Still, you can use 8080, 8989, 5000, 7878 etc, for plex, Jellyfin, nextcloud and so on.
You can even workaround it by using cloudflare functions that forward requests to your specific port, DNS it to cloudflare and run a commercial webapp out of your garage anyway.*
*Except if you want to honor whatever ToS they had you agree to.
🫤 that does suck. Probably so they can charge more for a hosted package?
It’s to push users into getting commercial accounts.
I dunno. The IPv4 address space is getting pretty tight, and aside from rejiggering existing inefficient allocations, there’s not a lot you can do beyond NAT.
In the US, we had it pretty good for a long time, because we had a rather disproportionate chunk of the IPv4 address space – Ford, MIT, and Apple alone each had their own Class A netblock, about half a percent of the IPv4 address space each, for example.
But things have steadily gotten tighter as more and more of the world uses the Internet more and more.
As expected, the ISPs are no longer receiving new allotments or allocations of public IPv4 addresses from the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN). Some have managed to continue to provide new IPv4 addresses by reallocating some of the addresses they had been assigned in the past but perhaps had never passed on to customers. This buys them a little more time while they scramble to roll out and support IPv6 addresses.
Like, there’s real scarcity of the resource. It doesn’t require the scarcity to be artificially-induced.
My ISP used to let one get a /29 IPv4 block for residential users, though they stopped that years ago. Always have had a way to get publicly-facing IPv6 addresses, though.
End of the day, the real fix is to get the world on IPv6.
Not even offered in my area 🤡
Could always see if they offer a static IP. My ISP uses CG NAT and I just pay $10/month for a public static ip to bypass it.
And if not I would cancle the contract with them as CGNAT is not an internet connection and you should not just accept this break of contract.
Good luck getting a non CGNAT connection here without paying for it. Also it’s not a breach of contract if it’s not in the contract…
If they sell an “internet connection” then selling one behind a CGNAT is a breach of contract, because it is not a connection to the internet but only a selective forwarding service from within their intranet.
Similar to how the consumer protection agencies fought against fake speed promises and hidden “fair use” volume clauses, CGNAT should also be forbidden to be advertised as “internet”.
We have more internet connections than IPv4’s they can’t just pull new ones out of their ass. Also IPv6 is internet too.
This is a myth. There are large swath of IPv4 address spaces totally unused and many ISPs hoard them without actually using them.
An IPv6 only internet connection would also still be miles better than CGNAT connection.
How? You can literally turn IPv4 off on your whole network, or selectively by device. But if you turn off your IPv4 you will get cut off of a good chunk of the internet.
And the only reason we have unused IPv4’s is because a big part of the internet is behind NAT of some kind like CGNAT.
There is nothing wrong with an organization sharing an single IPv4 internally via NAT, but if your ISP sells you a connection to the internet, this by definition means you get a unique public IP address, otherwise it isn’t an internet connection.
IPv6 support could be better for sure, but it is still much better than not having an internet connection at all as in the case of a CGNAT.
Unless they’re willing to give you your own IP (dynamic, or maybe static for a fee), that’s a good reason for replacing your ISP imo.
You say that as if most don’t hold a monopoly in their available regions. At least in America, you typically have the choice of one, maybe more if you’re in a largeish city, and I suppose you have the option of a 5G hub but that’s terrible for running services.
Ouch, I was not aware of that. Here in scandinavialand we have a few local or regional ones in each area, plus a few big ones that cover the entire country.
Once the fiber is in the ground, “any” ISP can use them, regardless who buried it. I think it’s a remnant from 20ish years ago when the default was ADSL over copper, and the telecom cables were considered public infrastructure.
Dude I’d kill for that availability. Here, the companies own the infrastructure, and can offer to let others use it if they’d like but that doesn’t usually happen.
Yeah, the US is very limited in ISP options. In my area there is one massive provider, and two or three small providers. The massive provider does up to 1Gb but it’s cable and speeds fluctuate. The other providers can manage 250Mb and that’s it. Also, upload on ALL plans available in my area caps out at 20Mb/s. It’s a joke and the city won’t let any fiber companies in because of an exclusivity contract with the big cable provider. It’s baaaaaad
I’ve had plenty of rants about Norwegian broadband (or lack thereof) over the past 25 years. It’s a bit of a long story, but the gist of it is that during the 90’s there was this one company (Telenor) which had practical monopoly on telecom (it was the private remnant of what used to be part of the government), and of course they didn’t want to develop broadband 8nfrastructure as the made shitloads of money by selling ISDN at the time. Broadband was available in the biggest cities only, and even there it was limited. And the punchline of that joke was that when I was on dialup I had to pay by the minute. During that time, hearing about not having to pay by the minute in the US sounded like paradise to me.
But luckily competition happened, and Telenor realized they had to allow modernization or be left out of the market entirely. Small communities could sign up to have broadband “delivered”, and once enough people had signed up for an ISP to considet it profitable, digging would start. Today, twenty years later, I’m pretty satisfied with how it turned out. I live practically in the middle of nowhere, in a tiny industrial town sqeezed to fit into the terrain, where three of the cardinal directions are blocked by mountains and the fourth being a fjord. And I have 1gbit both up and down.
Exactly the same in many parts of DE. In Bavaria we have cable (docsis 3+) from Vodafone and then there’s copper and fibre from Telekom (most other ISPs use their infrastructure). Depending on where you are in Germany, cables is provided by another company. There are some fibre companies too.
I’m currently moving from Nuremburg to a smaller town next to it. Currently I have 250/50Mbit/s and in the street I’m moving I can only utilize 100/40… Like wtf, 100m down the road there’s the citiy hall, they have fibre and it’s street to the next small city will get fibre next year. I won’t until idk years. C’mon I would pay a shitton to get synchronous 1 Gbit/s. I’m gonna test 5G there too and maybe for my high bandwidth stuff that’s an option. Still fucked up. It’s 2023 an we still live in the stoneage of the internet. Fuck our politicians…
Welcome to the world of Carrier Grade NAT. is reserved for this.
If you are lucky, you also have an IPv6 address. The catch is you need IPv6 on the client-side too.
A VPS or similar running wireguard and a proxy might bridge the gap.
It might also be possible to ask your provider for some port forwarding. Probably not, but check anyway.
Good luck!
This is exactly what happened to me, but was able to contact my ISP to drop IPv6 support and get back my ports forwarding to work on my line
N.B. to anyone reading this: ask your isp to “opt out of CG-NAT”. Talking about IPv6 may confuse the staffer you’re talking to, it’s partially related but not the fully picture.
i’ve been on CGNAT and just pointed my domain to my ipv6 address with no issues - every isp should hand out huge v6 subnets dedicated to you.
Since my v6 prefix is not stable, i use ddclient from my homeserver to update my domains AAAA record
Every ISP except Verizon lol
wdym except Verizon? I have a whole section of /56 for me in ipv6, tho the Verizon website is ipv4 only
Verizon IPv6 rollout technically started but has been very limited in the last few years. I live outside one of the biggest cities in the U.S. and it hasn’t even made it here yet. In the last five years they’ve only made it to 50% of their userbase being capable.
ah, classic isp dumbassery
I tried that and couldn’t make it work. My server was unable to receive any http requests. Then I tried doing some tweaking in my ISP router configuration but with no success. So far cloudflare tunnel was the only solution I found
port forwarding in your router properly set up?
Yeah I set it up to forward 80:80 and 443:443 but it didn’t seem to have any effect. Does port forward work on ipv6 the same way it does on ipv4?
in m limited sample size of one avm fritz.box, yes. What ivp6 address did you use to try and connect? a device typically has multiple - i.e. dont use fd00::, fe80::
I’d need to check it out, it’s been a while. But I tried pretty much all addresses that are printed out with “ip address” command on linux
Unfortunately IPv6 adoption is not universal. There will be parts of the internet that won’t be able to reach you at a 6-only address.
Yup, my gemini capsule is suffering from it. :(
You’re already using cloudflare, so check out cloudflare tunnels. You install their software on your server which makes an outbound connection, bypassing the need for open ports or a public IP. Note this only does http traffic.
Another option is tail scale, which won’t make your site public but will let you access it remotely on devices you have their software/app on.
Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I’ve seen in this thread:
Fewer Letters More Letters CGNAT Carrier-Grade NAT DNS Domain Name Service/System Git Popular version control system, primarily for code HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the Web IP Internet Protocol NAT Network Address Translation VPN Virtual Private Network VPS Virtual Private Server (opposed to shared hosting) nginx Popular HTTP server
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Yo this bot is super helpful
Good bot
Oh I love this idea for a bot! Well done!
Neat bot!
I use a VPN that I setup on an Oracle free tier VPS when I need to access my stuff over IPv4. I also have IPv6, so I can connect directly when using 5G on my phone.
Can I setup a tunnel from my machine to the VPS and link it’s IP to my domain?
Yes, if you setup port forwarding on the VPS and open the port in the firewall.
Oracle is awesome in this one specific way. They suck in all other ways but this is really good.
@skookumasfrig @cmnybo the free tier is limited to 10 Mbps which is kinda slow. It can be a bottleneck
Mine says 0.5gbit
Yeah, that’s a big limitation.
I believe on the free ARM instances you get 1Gbps per core (I’ve achieved over 2Gbps on my 4-core instance, which was probably limited by the other side of the connections). What you say may be correct for the AMD instances though.
Buy a cheap VPS, setup a Wireguard or OpenVPN server (wg-easy is quite nice). Then something like Nginx Proxy Manager or plain nginx and expose your services over that.
Edit: if you need help, hit me up, love sharing my knowledge
Personally I would strongly recommend learning how to do all of this. And then abandoning it for tailscale or something similar once you know what they’re doing behind the scenes. It’s incredibly useful knowledge but it’s also nice to have so much of the process automated and best practices like key rotation done for you. Plus unless your network is hugely crazy or enterprise, you can manage for the really great price of $0.
And if you really really want to self host (which I understand) there’s headscale for a lot of the features.
Thanks for the tip. Haven’t used tailscale (or sth similar) yet. But I’ll take a look into it :)
I second this. I use a couple of dirt cheap VPSs from racknerd ($24/yr for 1 CPU/512Mb ram, but you can find coupons online to get them for $10/yr 1CPU/768mb ram) one does port forwarding over wireguard to my mail server so I can keep all my data in house, the other hosts an NGINX reverse proxy for all my web services. Works great. I use the reverse proxy for nextcloud and jellyfin for myself and 6 other users. Never had an issue. (Well, never had an issue I didn’t cause myself at any rate.)
It’s a little harder to set up than some of the other suggestions, but it’s cheap, fully transparent to users, and doesn’t expose your home network to the outside world.
Netcup is my favourite hoster in the EU, but I live in DE. 2€/m for 2c, 2/4gb ram, lots of traffic. They have coupons from time to time or xmas/easter/… deals. The whole front- and backend works like a charm too. Upload your own isos/qcow images, download backups, KVM is awesomely implemented too. Sadly they don’t take crypto and you need a call verification or id via mail for your first purchase (understandable as a german hoster), besides that just wonderful :)
(Well, never had an issue I didn’t cause myself at any rate.)
As is tradition
You’re probably behind a CG-NAT. Look into establishing a tunnel, like via Cloudflare.