Nepal decides to ban TikTok::A Cabinet meeting on Monday took the decision to ban the social media app.
I’ve had it, a long with X and everything meta/Facebook banned on my home network for a while now. It’s been great.
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Yay! As a father, that app makes me nervous
Edit: wow just coming back to this, I think I may have just started a war
Why? It’s no different than any western social media. In fact, in my experience, western media tries to push their agendas on me, while my Tiktok is just full of random tech videos and cats.
Agreed, we should ban them all
That’s usually true at first, showing users content they like is gratifying to the user, but satisfied users don’t stay on the app. So for example, I like motorcycles, humor, tech, dog content, and poker. Tik Tok could show me relevant videos and I’d maybe browse for a few minutes and then go do something else. But the algorithm kind of slows down the dopamine hits/relevant videos and starts inserting more content that is depressing/irrelevant… The algorithm uses the same logic that makes gambling so addictive, they’ll make you feel like the dopamine hit is just around the corner, except it takes a bit longer to get there every time. “One more hand” …>
Facebook was at its worst in 2014-2018 or so. The algorithm became incredibly rage-inducing and pervasive. Facebook would intentionally show you content that you dislike(like right-wing bullshit) and if the more you interacted with it(especially if it was dislike) facebook would show you more and more of that. I was getting bombarded by extremism ideologies on Facebook and at the time I didn’t understand that this was the algorithm.
The Internet is no longer just “likes cat video, give more cat videos”, and pushing that notion is uneducated. Tik Tok is the worst of all the apps by far, but all of the social media companies use sophisticated algorithms that intentionally fuck with you just to get you addicted to their apps.
I think more people need to be informed on how these algorithms work and why they are so dangerous, especially to kids. Speaking of kids, there’s a lot of content on TikTok which sexualizes underage teens. Also, I would block literally every thirst trap on TikTok that showed up in my feed, because that is simply the last thing I want to see on TikTok, yet the algorithm is so aggressive, it will continue to push content that you dislike so you are unsatisfied for longer.
I’ve deleted Tik Tok a few times in the past but I haven’t used it in about 2 years or so. Imagine how little the average person in this country knows about these algorithms.
The Internet is no longer just “likes cat video, give more cat videos”, and pushing that notion is uneducated. Tik Tok is the worst of all the apps by far, but all of the social media companies use sophisticated algorithms that intentionally fuck with you just to get you addicted to their apps.
You guys really need to take a chill pill. You guys are such conspiracy theorists.
My Tiktok is just cat videos. I literally never get fed anything else. Cat, technology, and science.
I’m not sure how they are fucking with me.
I guess you think showing me content is fucking with me, because you’re only used to the 30K active users on Lemmy, and the minimal amount of content posted here per day, lmao.
Truly, though, this community is extremely toxic. You’re all hating on me, downvoting me, because Tiktok is feeding me cat videos.
I don’t see how I was toxic in any way. Besides, this isn’t reddit. There is no karma, so if people downvote you, who cares? That just means that people think you’re wrong.
Here’s a thought, let’s say you’re perfectly satisfied with how your content delivery/algorithm. You’re a responsible adult who can manage your screen time. Should TikTok be doing more to protect youth(those most vulnerable) from predatory content? There’s been quite a few studies now and even states suing TikTok for their effects on youth’s mental health.
You’re making a few assumptions about me(implying I’m living under a rock or something)… Unfortunately I spend a large part of my day on the computer due to work and I grew up with the internet. So I try to spend what free time I have reading/studying, and maybe consume a bit of streaming in a day.
If you knew the horrible content that most kids are being served now, it would make your head roll. I don’t let my kid watch YouTube but his cousins are all crazed on tiktok content. Look up skibidi toilet.
besides, this isn’t reddit. There is no karma, so if people downvote you, who cares? That just means that people think you’re wrong.
The irony.
“Random” lmao
They show you exactly what their algorithm thinks gets you the most addicted and wants you to interact with the app in any way possible. Most of the time that’s achieved by making you feel negative emotions
Just like Facebook or Instagram
And Twitter, Reddit, Youtube. Sadly this isn’t an internet only phenomenon
Ok. Western apps do the same, but worse in my experience.
Not sure how cats are negative emotions. Put your tinfoil hat back on.
Western apps do the same
You’re right about that, they’re also trash
Yup. Never said they weren’t.
Lemmy is so toxic lmao. Downvoting me in their little echo chamber because I pointed out that western apps are “worse” for it.
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I find any group with deeply entrenched beliefs will trend towards toxicity.
Get your kids a dumbphone.
They’ll thank you later.
Posted unironically on social media that does far less patrolling and safety restrictions for children
Yeah but to be fair it’s not like children, or even adults really, are flocking to this app.
in nepal posting in “vulgar” language is also forbidden by law, as is stuff like stating that you are poly on social media, so them passing another overreaching censorship law is no surprise.
Found it linked in an article within the article here toward the bottom.
um… where did you get that information?
How about you read the one link you are commenting on before asking for another? It is in the article.
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I got my information from the article about the new social media rules within that article here:
the relevant passage:
The new rule also bars any post promoting wrong activities such as child labour, human trafficking, child marriage or polygamy.
so for nepal human trafficking and polygamy is in the same category of “wrong activities”.
What do you mean its not the point? its literally a crime to post “vulgar” language, like you said a catch all term that they can use to censor anything they deem “vulgar”. How is this not a law designed to censor?
For clarity, I am not the person you replied to, I wrote the comment above. Imo Usernames are a bit hard to see on some frontends!
so for nepal human trafficking and polygamy is in the same category of “wrong activities”.
There’s a substantive degree of overlap, particularly in parts of the world where young women are sold by desperate parents and criminal cartels for the pleasure of old perverts. This isn’t Sam Bankman Fried and three if his closest money launderers in a sex pile. This is cloaking sex trafficking under the cover of marriage.
The law did not ban polyamory, it is already illegal in nepal, so there is no “cover of marriage” there. It banned posting pro poly posts online. That is pretty harsh. Just because criminals use it does not mean stating your opinion had to be banned!
The only explanation I can come up with is that they just banned a bunch of stuff the legislators deemed immoral. I dont know enough about nepal to say that with any certainty, but my hunch is that pro-poly messaging may have been banned because of the muslim minority.
there is no “cover of marriage”
33%of Nepalese girls are married before their 18th birthday and 8% are married before the age of 15.
I read the article. The article doesn’t mention “vulgar language being illegal”. I’m from Nepal and I’m going to ask where people come up with made up scenarios.
It incentivises stupidity, and controversial opinions, which gets more views and makes the “influencer” money.
I don’t really like Tiktok. But, forcing the choice on people probably isn’t the best idea either.
Its about time to ban TikTok. Look what kind of youth have become. Kids doing crazy things for the “fame” of the internet - beating other kids to death, stealing cars, doing drugs, and all minds of illegal stuff just for fun and have lots of “likes”. My brother spends hours a day on TikTok he cant keep focused for a long time anymore. I dont trust him anymore because he forgets things all the time now. He is loosing lots of money and now in a huge debts because he was buying things too expensive for him just to upload pics and videos to be “recognised” n stuff… You can say that its my brothers fault, but TikTok and social media is dragging him more than anything. And it happens for a lot of people
It’s CCP spyware. It should be banned everywhere.
There’s plenty of U.S. equivalents. What’s your point?
Nepalese residents will be infected with the insidious Chinese Mind Virus if they watch too many Chinese girls putting on make-up or C-Pop Boy Bands do the sissy-hypno dance. Then their society will collapse and China will be free to roll in the tanks. This is just like how China conquered the countries of Hong Kong, Tibet, and Tienanmen Square.
He’s brainwashed into thinking giving Americans his data is better than giving the Chinese.
Must not know about PRISM, lol.
What about American Spy Ware?
What about ism?
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US Good
China Evil
"I prefer to get fucked by Americans!’
Team America World Police wasn’t a parody.
What do you mean? If the concern is spyware, then that concern exists whether your using American software or Chinese software.
If you don’t think the concern is spyware and it’s solely China, then don’t mention spyware. Say you don’t like it because it’s Chinese and leave it at that. You’d come across as more genuine.
The problem is both. I support none of them nor their evil efforts.
The difference is that Tiktok is controlled / influenced by the CCP and the other social media networks are controlled by corporate boards of directors. Tiktok is under the influence of evil communists, literally.
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Americans have been brainwashed into thinking it’s better to get fucked by American companies than companies abroad.
I always know a useful idiot when I see one based on how well they parrot talking points without understanding them.
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You know, in many ways, I think it’s something that brings us together.
If people could recognize that instead of dividing, we’d have a lot more power to take back what was stolen by governments.
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Lol. I remember when Trump said he was going to ban it and everyone was like nooooo. This is so concerning for free speech. Now that it’s not Trump doing it, everyone says: Great, everyone should ban it.
I certainly wasn’t like nooooo.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The motivations to van the app matter. Trump wanted to ban it to censure the “wokes”. Nepal bans it to prevent the spread of hate speach.
Social media and mostly the mainstream ones became an issue for democracy. These private companies must moderate before publishing. We must take them to account for what is on their platforms. Social medias are responsible for what is on them at the same level as the people posting it. If they don’t want to comply, it’s a ban.
I’m not surprised, it’s Chinese spyware
“A lie told often enough becomes true.”
Where’s the lie?
Where’s the evidence?
Edit: As usual, crickets.
What do you want? An article
Or an actual research
Whatever you want, cricket.
Now before you go “fake, not relevant, false information!!!” Provide some opposing proof yourself, cricket.
Lol, you might want to calm down before you think you’ve made a slam dunk.
All you’ve done is google ‘tiktok china data privacy’ then linked a bunch of articles. You’re literally proving my point about a lie being told often enough becomes true.
Do you want to tell me what’s in these articles that is actually worth being concerned about? Or do I have to read through all the bullshit you didn’t just to find out it’s FUD like:
“An incoming privacy policy change announced by TikTok yesterday for users in Europe — which, for the first time, names China as one of several third countries where user data can be remotely accessed by “certain” company employees to perform what it claims are “important” functions”
Lol. Get real. I’m here if you want to talk, but you have to use your words.
How about this. Tell me, specifically, what tiktok did that users did not give them permission to do and then link to evidence supporting that claim.
I don’t expect you to do that though, because then you would have to stick your neck out on something specific and have nothing substantial to back it up.
What a typical response. You asked for proof and I give you proof that the privacy laws are not followed on TikTok. Yet you just bounce it back without giving some proof back like I asked.
I’m definitely not putting more energy into your “show me proof”. It’s not worth it, because you’re just going to say that it’s not proof and I need to do better. Fuck that
You didn’t actually give me any proof, lol. If you did, “then tell me, specifically, what did tiktok do that users did not give them permission to do and then link to evidence supporting that claim.”
You read through all the stuff you linked me, right? So this should be a very easy request.
Unless you’re just trolling, lol. I know what I’d put my money on.
it’s Chinese spyware
When the media explains mumbo-jumbo about technology.
Nepal and India both hate China
Will they ban Facebook which facilitated a genocide?
edit: there are many a genocide lover on lemmy sadly.
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Lol, people who don’t entertain your loaded questions are genocide lovers?
Man, the fantasy worlds some of you live in.
They’re actually referencing an Amnesty Internation Report published in 2022 regarding Myanmar’s cleansing against the Rohingya, and Facebook/WhatsApp’s role in it.
I would have thought this was common knowledge. I suspect these redditors just don’t put any effort into recall or thinking in general.
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I would have thought this was common knowledge.
Probably because you’re chronically online and care about things that don’t affect you.
Normal people don’t do that.
No you dimwit. I read the papers. Normal people do do that. Dimwit.
Lol, calm down. Most people don’t care about facebook like you do.
Assuming otherwise is asinine.
Nepal sucks with this shit anyway.
Banning tiktok is just a dumb overreach.
I’ll let them know to consult with you first before making these decisions.
Fearmongering worked. Let’s get more nations to follow suit so we can have an American company dominate short-form video formats instead of a Chinese one.
Nah, let’s go with something Latin American this time. There are probably some countries which are waiting their turn. And which are not competing for world domination.
I’m game. Might make it safer to travel.
I’m down. Idk what’s going on in that “memelos” community, but it looks fire. I wanna see what kind of content a LATAM run social media produces.