this hit my all. I don’t know anything about keyboards but I agree with split double keyboard man
I am guessing youre out of loop on this pointless drama. Dude asked if split keyboards can have duplicate rows as in first row of right side can also be on the left side. Does help people who arent used to typing but he was acting like a dickhead and causing drama over nothing in the comments. Also made a meme about it, hence the correction here.
Starless, I swear to fucking god if you comment in here, I’m going scream
“Why are you screaming? If you want to be a dick that’s on you. I just wanted to make a simple joke. No need to violate me.”
“Why is everyone so MEAN?? I’m just a le funny clown, teehee”
When i saw that thread yesterday 90% of the comments were shitting on OP
[Edit] I thought split keyboard were neat but never considered them for the same reason as the guy posting. I popped into the thread to see if anyone had some suggestions for OP and in turn, me.
I walked away yesterday thinking “wow the ergo community is full of elitest douchebags”
I’m not saying you’re all jerks…but that was my outsider perspective yesterday. Needlessly dog piling on the guy. No shit he got defensive - he was under attack
The original thread with the question had a lot of interesting recommendations and was mostly positive when I saw it. It was only the follow up meme crapping on the community and their defensive responses comments that it became negative.
When I saw it it had maybe a dozen comments and all but one was negative. The comment referenced in this meme hadn’t been posted yet, it was mostly just telling OP that they were typing wrong. It was weird and dismissive with 0 suggestions beyond “learn to type correctly”
Maybe future comments were more supportive but the initial onslaught was extremely homogenous and negative.
That’s kind of the way it has always worked on these types of threads? People upvote the helpful comments and downvote the unhelpful ones? But after the original post went mostly positive they should have left it alone instead of trying to complain about not being serviced to their level of needs on a public forum. That’s where they messed up.
Fair enough. I just wanted to give my initial impression after seeing the thread. I felt bad for OP because I didn’t think it was a stupid question
You do realize that ordering comments by old/new is a thing, and in doing so, the oldest comments are all helping/discussing solutions, with one comment being the mean one mentioned?
I don’t see how you came away with that impression considering I just looked at the original thread and it’s still mostly decent comments, but whatever fits your reality I guess
Anyone who claims to be a member of any community is a douchebag
Certain communities no. there are legitimate minority/vulnerable communities that should hold a support aspect that are genuinely at risk.
Tech is not one of these communities though. It’s sort of like those parenting communities that take it to far into cliques. Or car enthusiasts. Like it’s a skill or hobby. It’s not an overall life circumstance nor should it ever be meant to be more important than any person partaking the skill or hobby. So many people seem to lose that vision and weaponized shit that shouldn’t be weaponized. at best you are helping a person. At worst, you go back to your skill and hobby or whatever and move on. They didn’t do it your way? Build a bridge. Get over it. World is not on fire and it’s not filled with bond villains just cuz kevin didn’t use the same glue you did to build his fuckin bird house.
Being a member is fine.
Saying you represent that community is step one on the douche ramp
That was the impression I got as well. I also tend to strike several of the middle keys, especially Y and 6, with either hand depending on what I just typed before them, so all split keyboards I’m aware of which do not duplicate these keys are a non-starter for me.
Yeah. I still think they’re really cool but I’ll just appreciate them from afar lol
It kind of made me want to upload a video of me typing with 5 fingers to really piss off the touch-typing purists.
I cannot imagine piling on someone for occasionally typing a middle key with the “wrong” hand. It doesn’t harm anyone in any way.
Jack off jokes aside, I can type remarkably fast with one hand. I feel like anyone who has been PC gaming for years can easily do that.
I have never used a split keyboard but I imagine within a week I’d get frustrated that I “can’t” finish a sentence while scratching my nose because the keys I need are too far away
This drama has unfolded for me in order as I scroll today and I’m loving it.
Guy would be much better off if he could understand that he misrepresented the community by using a “harmless joke meme format” that made out everyone to be rude to highlight “the stupidity of the few mean responses”…like of course you’ve made the whole community peeved now you ding bat, the crux of your meme is a gross over exaggeration which makes it a lie.
get insulted by edge case dickheads (normal amount for any online conversation it should be noted)
Make a mountain out if a mole hill, complain about it back to them using a meme
meme paints entire community as dickheads
They point out how dramatic, annoying, and stupid you’re acting and tell you you’re wrong because the meme format is inaccurate to what actually happened
Act more dramatic and stupid in response, fighting with people in subsequent threads.
You can’t make this shit up
Oh no! A meme being a gross exaggeration?
That’s generally how memes work…
I think their original meme was inaccurate but not bad. The way they captioned it was the real issue but even that could read like a joke. But then the way they responded in the comments made it clear that this was not a joke.
To be fair, that community is literally still making fun of the guy for his request, proving his point entirely
They’re not making fun of him for his request. They’re making fun of him for being so upset about someone telling him he types wrong that he needs to bring it up in every response and even make a meme about it.
Not really, they were just bizarre in the comments. I think the original post and the memes weren’t that bad. Dude just wouldn’t let it go.
The guy walked into a room and asked for help. He got as much help as the community could offer. One guy in the back of the room was snarky. Everyone else in the room reprimands this person with downvotes. Op creates a smear campaign against the entire community walks back in the room and calls everyone dickheads. The room tries to reason with Op. Op doubles down on their position.
This is a self inflicted wound.
Have any links?
Original thread
Bitchy follow-up thread
If you notice the original thread really only has one mean comment which the community collectively downvoted. Then op comes back with their knickers in a twist calling the whole community bad.
Every comment they made in their original thread was complaining about the mean response. Even to the really nice ones.
It’s one of those great online moments where you stare at the unfolding text on your screen in disbelief and can only wonder about what life is like on the other side of these polished glass surfaces for some people
My main takeaway from this whole drama is that whether you’re justified or not, being defensive and whiny on the internet is not a good look.
Just learn normal touch typing, its fast enough…
Virtual keyboard with a mouse, that’s the ultimate experience