First RCS now this, today has been wild
I live in the UK, and because of Brexit we won’t get this. Thanks Nigel Farage.
So it won’t force Secure boot anymore?
that’s for locking out Linux,
Holy shit I am going back to Windows then!
What happened with RCS?
But will they let you disable tracking and telemetry?
You wanna guess?
I already know the answer. Windows isn’t the product. We’re the product.
I will do whatever it takes for my non-European windows install to behave like a European windows install.
If I got rid of ads on windows if be much happier with the OS and would not have such a grudge against using it.
I can’t wait until benchmarks are run on the two versions side by side to see if it impacts battery life and or performance.
Adesso è godopoli
Yeah turns out businesses behave when you legislate their misdeeds instead of just calling them job creators
I mean…I still would’ve blocked the ads no matter what. I paid for my computer it’s mine and I should be allowed to control it.
It does specify the European economic area for (EEA) for these changes. Looks like I’m living in Europe ;)
Get ready for that sweet € symbol everywhere. I live in Brexitland so I can sort of get by with Ireland as a region, but it’s not great if you’re wishing to see your own decimal separators etc.
Your region and your region format are 2 separate things.
You can just change to whatever currency you want while remaining in Europe.
Ah, learnt something new. That’s awesome. I’ve always wanted to live in Ireland!
I’m a Linux guy and I don’t really care about Windows, but I’m glad to see this happening and every day I thank Europe for being the main entity fighting for regulation of big tech monopolies, because America is really failing.
America is a huge corporation.
How do you know someone uses Linux?
Don’t worry they’ll tell you
Hey hey hey, don’t just go around generalizing. Not all Linux users are like that (but I am, and I use arch BTW).
Like I’m sure we’re bound to find at least ONE Linux user who doesn’t tell.
That would be mee
As a Linux user (and ex arch user btw), I’m deeply offended.
I use Linux (one that’s based on Arch btw) Make one guess at:
- my diet
- what I think is the best text editor
Seriously, how am I supposed to keep quiet when I find a clearly superior choice? Especially when most people feel a psychological barrier to trying it, that turns out to be not nearly as big as the adcantages.
at least meat-reduced diet
Exactly! I use neovim as a full IDE (got started quickly using the nvchad template). And I think you know which “at least meat-reduced” diet is most associated with evangelizing ;)
what I think is the best text editor
diet: coffee
editor: vim
Points for the editor, but weirdly enough, not a lot of coffee (<1 per day) and I didn’t drink coffee at all before a few weeks ago.
California is doing okay, all things considered
This apparently only applies to Europe, say least for now.
Wait for it. Slow roll outs
America empowers these bozos
I’m one illness or accident from being financially ruined, what do you really expect me to do about it?
Start a revolution.
I wonder if Windows in Non-EU areas does not have this kind of choice.
Well, does not matter, I use Linux, too.
America is getting paid to do it.
Maybe the FCC is still resisting for now.Did you mean FTC?
Not sure anymore. Maybe both I guess
That’s what I was talking about:
EU is very much a mixed bag. On the one hand, they do this, on the other hand, they tried to ban P2P encryption and microtargetted religious and elderly in resisting countries, feeding them the classic “it’s for the children’s safety” lies.
they tried to ban P2P encryption
They recently enshrined it as an unalienable human right as a world first.
Though we have to remind ourselves that it’s mainly the EU Commission who does this.
The Supreme Court spoke out against it from the very beginning, the Parliament voted against it, it’s really only the Commission who doesn’t want to understand that EU law applies to them, too.
Quite a few positions in there that need to be held by new people who understand the damn law.
Its nuts that during the Obama admin, all anyone cared about was the threat of zero privacy. Now everyone in the US has surrendered to it, because our politicians have sold our digital privacy rights to the tech companies.
If we had actual IT giants in Europe, this would look very different.
I’ve seen how the car industry in Germany only got a slap on the wrist because of Dieselgate and even got the chance to send out advertisement payed by the government.
I feel like the only reason stuff like this gets pushed so hard is because we try to slow down the current IT giants until we get our shit together.
I’m glad that we do it, but i wouldn’t say we are better than anyone else.
Nah, it still would be much harder.
Because the EU exists out of many different countries with each their own government.
To lobby something through you have to bribe the majority of them, instead of just one.
Yeah because dieselgate was a travesty and all companies have a moral obligation to find ways around the idiocy of the US EPA as they actively make our cars more harmful to the environment by writing poorly thought out rules that encourage larger vehicles as well as completely failing to understand how to calculate diesel emissions for vehicles in a sensible manner.
I mean we have SAP but they are probably not affected by this law.
All my homies hate SAP
There is a lot of protectionism at the heart of the EU. They are quite happy to heavily regulate Big Tech when it’s not based in their own market. Unfortunately they don’t have quite the same passion for nurturing the European tech industry as much as stifling the foreign ones.
They are it purely fighting these fights for the greater good, or they wouldn’t also be pushing things like the recent browser certificate debacle.
Thanks for the honest take, a lot of people get caught up in the idea that if an organization does something that aligns with them, they are good or doing it for the same reasons.
damn, Europe is wild!
What about RCS?
I just switched to Linux. Get fucked!
Man I miss Linux, I swear one day I’ll install it on my old Mac, at least as a funny project.
I’m team Linux as well
I, really really want to switch to Linux. I duel boot and use Linux for study. but there are some apps I just can’t get around, and have to switch back to Windows for. I ran some cool scripts that stripped Windows of bloat and uninstalled edge and ads, and I have to say. it’s almost as nice as Linux now. runs faster too.
Honestly what finally pushed me was when windows suddenly decided that going to sleep and keeping on sleeping was too much to ask for. Haven’t found anything that doesn’t work on Linux yet, but I mostly play games.
Its a bit of drama but if you have a look at setting up qemu with virtual machine manager its worthwhile.
It makes virtual machines that directly utilize the hardware, meaning you can run your stripped out windows inside a window on your Linux desktop.
Its pretty hard to get your GPU to pass through but if its non-gpu oriented apps you need its perfect. My fixed windows VM boots in about 10 seconds, has next to zero network usage, uses 2 cpus and 4gb of ram, and just runs its couple of little apps no trouble every day
I’ll check this out ty
You need 2 GPUs (essentially) for GPU passthrough to work correctly. I gave it a go once and it never worked correctly. Absolutely right for non GPU apps though, or with some VM’s, older games.
and that’s the only long-term winning move, because MS shenanigans will never end
Exactly. All the latest chaos that Microsoft does, you know you’ll be immune and your desktop will be the same for as long as you get bored of it lol.
My laptop gets the fun experiments, my desktop plays the games
Same except in reverse lol. My laptop is out of date fedora because I’m lazy to update since it’s a youtube/twitch machine pretty much. My desktop gets the bleeding edge + games.
I’m testing stuff on my old ThinkPad!
I may have lost my sound card drivers, but at least I’ve not got to put up with windows (don’t worry I’ve got an external soundcard)!
Same, but I switched back today. DaVinci Resolve doesn’t support AAC audio on Linux, even on the paid version (literally everything uses AAC audio). The closest thing to any kind of usable photo editor is photopea, and that’s web only.
Linux is just unusable for media creation, unfortunately.
I really wish the affinity suite would make a linux version.
Same. That would help a lot.
Unless your media is made in Blender, then it’s pretty good. Inkscape has been getting nicer, too.
But that’s about it, yeah.
Once steam covers 90% of games windows becomes irrelevant.