Using uBlock Origin, you can add your own filter. This filter will block any post with the text “Elon Musk” (not case sensitive), modify as needed."/elon musk/i"))
is the element to block
returns elements where args evaluate to true
is the element with the title text
returns the element if it has the next needle, supports regex with \needle\
and remove case sensitivity with i
Read more here:
Did this with Kim Khardashian on my pc, if I can do it for mobile too that would be lit.
Sync for Lemmy has keyword filtering! :)
uBlock works on Firefox mobile, filters can be set.
I just block anyone who posts anything about or containing the word elon…
Sorry op lol
Haha, I forgive you.
I wish I could block Elon Musk from reality.
I think he is doing it to himself imho.
Not quickly enough
Better late than never I suppose
Neat! I follow Lemmy communities in an RSS feed so I can just filter right in my RSS reader. It’s pretty nice.
deleted by creator
I have been wondering how I could do the same for X (formerly known as twitter). I’m tired of reading about it every day. I don’t know how to filter it out since it’s just one letter and it’ll filter out everything just containing an X in a word
You can use the regex:
It’ll catch ‘x’ surrounded by word boundaries (stuff like spaces, dashes/hyphens, commas, etc.) but not ‘x’ with other letters on either side, so it won’t match e.g. “sax” or “boxer”, but it’ll match “” and “Elon’s X” and stuff. It’s probably not perfect though, so use with caution.
It’s sadly not perfect as also states, and since I like maths related stuff too and science it’ll likely filter out too much stuff. But I appreciate your efforts. An ai algorithm or a community created blacklist is probably the only solution.
Yeah, good points. I did note, though, that it probably wasn’t perfect. I kinda figured it would probably catch other stuff too but I couldn’t think of anything specific at the time.
Stuff about X-rays will be filtered, for example. You could probably go a little safer with the regex.
Yeah, there’s room for improvement. I did say, though, that it probably wasn’t perfect. I’m sure someone more patient than me can come up with a much more effective regex.
Now you have two problems.
deleted by creator
Too late.
What I really want is a browser plugin that replaces any mention of “Ron Johnson” with “Ron Johnson, THAT fucker”
“Ron Johnson, THAT fucker’s blockade of spending measure puts government shutdown in focus”
There are so many other people that could and should be applicable to.
Don’t block them, we need you to help downvote them.
No thanks let the bots have at it at this point.
And I heartily encourage people who loathe Elon Musk to do this. Perhaps then it will be easier to discuss subjects like reusable rocketry or electric cars without so much “but the Twitter!” digression.
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Henry Ford was an antisemitic loon. Should we abandon mass production of cars? Wehrner von Braun was a literal Nazi, should we abandon efforts to land on the Moon?
Elon Musk is a terrible person, yes. But the technologies his companies work on are not affected by his terribleness as a person.
Henry Ford was an antisemitic loon. Should we abandon mass production of cars?
Ford should have been forced to step down because of his bigotry. Ford also didn’t control all mass-production of cars. You might have heard of some other companies such as Chevrolet.
Wehrner von Braun was a literal Nazi, should we abandon efforts to land on the Moon?
If we couldn’t do it without the help of Nazis, we shouldn’t have tried. But there were plenty of American rocket scientists too. Robert Goddard pioneered rocket science and he wasn’t a Nazi.
The difference between those two things and now is that those two things happened back when it was acceptable to most people to be out-and-out bigots. Of course no one was going to do anything about them in the era of Jim Crow. It’s 2023. We don’t have to forgive bigots anymore.
You suppose his terribleness has zero impact on the technologies his companies work on? That is the whole issue of him owning Twitter.
One shouldn’t trust a black box technology (e.g. software) in the first place but even moreso from his companies.
Based on the comments about him online, I find that he is simultaneously in complete control of every aspect of his companies and their technologies, and also an idiot rich kid who bought every company fully-formed and relies entirely on the people he hired to get anything done.
You can dictate what your employees do in a company you own, that much is self evident
He can tell his employees to go one way and ignore (or fire) them when they raise objections
So he can be in total control and still be a spoiled rich idiot, those things are not mutually exclusive
The question people are usually arguing about is whether he gets “credit” for his companies’ successes. If he’s got total control but he’s an idiot, how are his companies doing so well?
Well, aside from Twitter. But nobody’s good at everything.
You can be inteligent and an idiot. All companies are a combination of skill and luck.
You say that like some mix of seemingly contradictory ideas can’t exist simultaneously. Are you 9?
Do you think someone can be in complete control of every aspect of their companies when they spend all day shitposting on Twitter?
I think some simple logic can tell you which of those is the truth.
Yeah but that doesn’t make anti semitism good you idiot.
He’s not designing the rockets, dude. He’s on ketamine posting rot about The Jews. The world does not need Elon Musk to have technological progress.
He’s very much involved in the designing of those rockets. That’s a fact, not opinion
A bunch of ass-kissers and people who don’t work there think he’s an engineering genius are quoted in a Reddit post and you think it’s true.
I’m often reminded of a SpaceX render they put up on the 'Tube back when they were still working out the reusability thing. Commenters had a lot of questions about how the particular flight plan impacted on their fuel budget. And so, Elon himself waded in with the answers. Except he was talking about the dollar price it cost to buy the fuel. He was like ‘why are you worried about fuel, it’s not that expensive, guys’ because he didn’t understand the questions. He didn’t understand why the amount of fuel and the mass of the fuel would be significant to anybody. Guys, I think he doesn’t understand the rocket equation. He doesn’t understand the central problem of rocketry. I think the guy might be full of it.
They had a whole group babysitting him into making the correct decisions. Just look at the design disaster that truck is, do you think he can find his behind with his both hands when it comes to space rockers?
There is exactly one patent with his name on it and it’s the shitty door handle that breaks all the fucking time. I’ll believe he’s involved with the rocketry division the moment he develops any kind of engineering experience or skill that he’s willing to show the public, which if he had it, given that he’s an ego driven megalomaniac, the public would definitely have seen.
Anyone capable of dispassionately studying this subject even one level deeper than the headlines can quite easily find a ton of sources proving he’s both personally involved in the design progress of these rockets as well as quite competent on many fields relating to it. It’s understandable that people hate him but spreading lies is where I draw the line.
I would argue that anyone capable of dispassionately studying this subject can equally easily find that Elon Musk is not a reliable source of information (I’d dare say a liar) , eg:
- the famous solar city presentation where Musk showcased several houses with solar tiles. The houses were a tv set for Desperate Hosewives, and tiles he was showing off simply didn’t exist. That can’t imagine a scenario where this could be an honest mistake.
- the funding secured tweet from 2018 where he claimed he had enough money to take Tesla private at 420 USD / share. He got sued therefore we know he didn’t - even remotly.
I don’t know whether Elon is a genius or not - but when somebody, who is proven to be somewhat creative with the truth, also claims that he is a genius - specially in the “I know more about manufacturing than anyone else alive” manner - I don’t think it is unreasonable to have doubts.
The discussion was about wether he’s personally involved in the design of the SpaceX rockets or not.
He’s not designing the rockets, dude. He’s on ketamine posting rot about The Jews.
This is what I’m arguing against.
It’s understandable that people hate him but spreading lies is where I draw the line.
So doesn’t that make it even more reasonable to not constantly jump in with how awful Elon Musk is when discussing SpaceX’s rockets?
No, fuck him
His rockets suck and his cars suck.
His cars really suck, the amount of build quality problems on those cars is way too high for a car that costs as much as it does
And that’s something that can be discussed entirely without jumping to “Elon Musk says bad things about people.”