Feds subpoena Ticketmaster over egregious concert ticket prices — A spokesperson for Live Nation, which owns Ticketmaster, said the firm doesn’t “feel comfortable” sharing information with Congress::A spokesperson for Live Nation, which owns Ticketmaster, said the firm doesn’t “feel comfortable” sharing information with Congress.
“After facing criticism from both fans and politicians for its failed handling of Taylor Swift ticket sales, Live Nation Entertainment announced a “Fair Ticketing Act” proposal in February that would try to combat bots and ticket scalpers in the resale market. Nothing yet appears to have come from this proposal.”
No shit. What incentive do they actually have to make changes when the current system makes them more money?
That’s because they’re the fucking scalpers.
Thankfully, subpoenas don’t care about how comfortable you are.
To be fair, I don’t feel comfortable sharing information with anyone, let alone fucking congress. So I can kinda see their point.
On the other hand, I also don’t feel comfortable with the spokesperson not getting raped with a rake. What now, spokesperson? How shall we solve this little dilemma?
Nice! Let’s do insurance next!
I don’t feel comfortable with their prices.
I don’t feel comfortable with their monopolistic and anti-competitive practices either.
Here in Germany there are some venues that sell their tickets through dice.fm which seems not to charge extreme fees. Is this something that’s also available where you folks are?
Live nation owns all the event locations, so not really. It’s really ridiculous. Back in the early 2000s or late 90’s you could get tickets for good bands at around $15-30. All day festivals would be around $20 and 3 day events were something like $100.
Can’t even see nickleback now for $100
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It’s a tax on bad taste.
I bet they hand out trophies at the corporations when they get investigated for egregious pricing.
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Ticketmaster is the reason I don’t go to any events.
Honestly sounds like a RICO case to me.
See what happens when you don’t jail cunts that ignore congressional subpoenas?!?
It’s a subpoena. Comfortable doesn’t even begin to come into play.
That’s what I was thinking. The oil and gas industry and the auto industry has a lot more pull and clout than LN/TM and they were both dragged in front of Congress. Do you think they were “comfortable” with their interrogations by unfriendly congressmen? Fuck no. Did they go without too much whining, as far as I remember.
D’aww the poor dears. Wouldn’t wanna make them uncomfortable
pinches cheek
Ticketmaster/Live Nation is one of the most blatant monopolies in all of history. They should be torn to shreds.
Torn to shreds and soaked in lye until a smooth pulp is formed.
For sure, this shit has been bothering me for years. For as long as I can remember, Ticketmaster has been the only way of getting tickets to big events near me. And I presume it’s the same for everyone else too.
How have they got away for so long without any competition?
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I’m shocked it’s been allowed. They have been a monopoly for decades.
Since the 1980s
Live Nation and Ticketmaster merged in 2010. Why the merger was greenlit in the first place is beyond me.
Most people don’t even know how many music venues the monopoly has acquired over the past 20 years
It’s be easier to count the ones they haven’t gotten, on one hand.
When your kids say “don’t look in my pockets!” they definitely have something there you need to see.
When your dog pushes back on you trying to pry open their mouth, you know where the missing family cockatoo is.
Hahahaha yesterday during the pie preparations my daughter and I passed each other as I was heading back to the kitchen and she said, apropos of nothing, “I didn’t just steal any whipped cream, shut up!”
LOL I didn’t know they’d been looting the whipped cream before that point but bless their hearts it was cute
lol nice. My 3 year old keeps saying “Dad don’t look!” It’s funny when it’s a three year old with an orange.
“Oh, really? Well, we don’t feel comfortable continuing your license to practice business in the United States!”
These goddamn capitalists pigs are out of control
we need to harvest already, theyre shitting and squealing everywhere.