I’m so behind companies doing this because too many people accept ads in every other part of their life and then act surprised when they get more ads showing up. It would be nice if this stuff woke people up.
You can’t pick and choose. You have to reject all ads. They’re a cancer we let it metastasize
I wish your method would get the results you want. I know way too many people who sit through ads for energy to play mobile games. I know way too many people who will sit through freevee or still pay over a hundred bucks a month for cable tv, somehow. It’ll never change.
Coming soon is all the streaming video companies with advertisements on paid subs. Netflix has removed the cheap tier from new subs and replaced it with an ad tier. Amazon is planning on removing no-ad content from amazon prime next year. Pretty much every streaming company except apple has an ad tier or is planning one soon.
Advertisement is pervasive and honestly a huge problem. It should be prohibited from a huge swath of services, especially healthcare, but also as an optional thing on basically every platform. I truly believe ads make everything worse.
I know way too many people who sit through ads for energy to play mobile games. I know way too many people who will sit through freevee or still pay over a hundred bucks a month for cable tv, somehow. It’ll never change.
It’s so sad because these people could block those ads and use free streaming services.
Blokada 5 blocks ads in apps, but you have to download it from their website because Google blocked all apps that use Blokada’s functionality from the Play Store.
Here’s a free streaming service to watch pretty much anything for free, just make sure you have Adnauseam or uBlock Origin installed: https://fmoviesz.to/
The problem is that we, as a culture, don’t pride ourselves on saving money. We pride ourselves on getting taken advantage of because that’s what everyone else is doing. Useful idiots and tools are the norm. They get mad whenever someone rises above their stupidity.
The enshittification of streaming services has pushed me back to sailing the seas.
And I plan on sharing all that I have with anyone who wants it.
An additional insult is publishers or authors changing their old stuff (Terry Pratchett is re-editing his old novels, the old Bond books are being edited because the language is “offensive”, etc).
I’d like to maintain my own library of un-altered stuff.
Terry Pratchett isn’t re-editing anything, he sadly is no longer with us.
It gets crazier to me when I start counting how many minutes of my day is spent being advertised too. I get ads on the radio to work. I get ads in the song themselves because DJ deEzNutz took a deal with McDonald’s to include a hook where he talks about those two sweet beef patties. Meanwhile I’m staring at every billboard one the way to work. I see all the signs on the bus stops. I see the ads on the bus themselves. Hell I get 8 hours between work and bed. How many of those are spend watching a commercial. This is such a wacky situation and I feel like Rowdy Piper in ‘They live’.
They should be enraged about the rape apologists who are in charge of the company. But consumers forget fast when the shiny new thing is out.
Wasn’t that Blizzard/Riot?
It was all 3.
Lo and behold, gaming men are typically shit. Probably has something to do with their stunted growth.
There are sadly more companies with rapists in them than those two. It got swept under the rug faster.
I would even say most never cared in the first place. They want their toys and they don’t care where it comes from.
[Everyone] enraged at [any company] for injecting ads into the middle of [everything]
I wish
The some way people are getting all “just buy Premium” at YouTube’s ever increasing amount of ads is getting so annoying.
When they inevitably introduce Premium Plus and put ads in paid users’ content, you know, like many streaming services are doing now, maybe they will realize that there is no reasonable deal that sates these corporations.
If you bought a game you shouldn’t have adverts. You’re watching YouTube for free, very different things.
Did you miss the part that paying subscriptions now provides less and less guarantee of remaining ad free? Don’t take for granted that paying will keep that from you.
If it was about being fair, they would be fine with just keeping a moderate amount of ads. I didn’t start blocking until they started to push multiple pre-roll ads and then several more every 10 minutes. Time does not suffer inflation, much on the contrary. If they try to take more and more of our time as payment, that’s proof of their greed and disregard towards their users.
Did you miss the part that paying subscriptions now provides less and less guarantee of remaining ad free?
Speaking of YouTube, I still don’t get any ads on my premium.
Did you miss the part that paying subscriptions now provides less and less guarantee of remaining ad free?
Speaking of YouTube, I still don’t get any ads on my premium.
And I don’t get ads on my free.
Praise uBlock 🙏
What did you expect from a company whose logo is a turd seen from above!
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Always testing the line… This wasn’t a mistake. They know you’ll be upset, they are testing HOW upset and then they’ll make their decision.
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They don’t give a shit but if everyone rejects their bulshit, like that NFT nonsense, they will back off (and try again later)
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If you’re “upset” but buy another Ubisoft game anyway, then you weren’t that upset --> Ubisoft will keep doing it.
(you as in generic you)
They are doing fucking what?!
That’s why those who “jUsT pAy PReMiUm” are at fault. These companies are just pushing the line to see what sticks, and you’re perpetuating it by paying
Who says that? It’s not down to the people, you can’t control every individual as one hive mind. If you could climate change would stop overnight.
It’s corporate greed, ads will forever be interpolated into games and movies for the foreseeable future until it’s specifically outlawed to do so.
I’m sure given the opportunity as CEO the overwhelming majority of people on Lemmy would do the same for a bigger pay packet
I think it’s both. Corporate greed and people helping keep this up
Yeah, it’s like all the useful idiots doing mental gymnastics to justify paying for youtube premium forget how subscription services like netflix and amazon routinely get worse over time.
I stopped buying Ubisoft games years ago. It was around that that time where they forced always-online mode on their single player games.
I stopped playing their games (literally) because I was sure from that point on the user experience is only going to get worse. I thing I was right in that decision.
Assassin’s creed and Siege ruined ubisoft.
They just stopped trying because they learned they can just milk loyal fans for all eternity.
Corporate culture killed Ubisoft.
Late stage capitalism ruined or will ruin every corporation FTFY
Oo I think you got out before the custom launcher with it’s own BS currency that constantly “lost” your “cd keys” so you couldn’t even play singleplayer games you bought on steam huh? Good move. Well played.
It’s been so long I wouldn’t be surprised to find that they just cancelled my account but all my “keys” were used already and my games just won’t work anymore lol .
Meanwhile Black Flag occasionally downloads an update and I’m like “Yeah maybe one day…” Lol
I stopped when I saw Valhalla didn’t have achievements on Steam. To me that represents either extreme pettiness or extreme laziness on their parts and I won’t support either.
Putting ads in a 5 year old game is definitely an odd thing to do.
Active player count got to be in the dozens by now, surely?
Except for the ones that most certainly bought the game from this ad.
The marketer’s nightmare is that whenever you exploit a new vector to target consumers with ads, whenever you invent a new commercial style to which adults are responsive, you are simultaneously instilling resistance into their kids so they will grow up largely immune.
And if it’s particularly invasive or annoying (such as interrupting fun to ad at them) they’ll hate your company for the ads more than they like the product.
To be honest, it’s only the smartest people in the ad industry that even talk about this big picture stuff.
My favorite version of the discussion was referring to shitty advertisers as the equivalent of polluters destroying the ecosystem.
And you see it over and over. Mobile banner ads when they first came out had a 15% CTR. Fifteen percent.
That’s insane.
But within a year of using them for irrelevant and crappy ads with lousy landing pages those numbers dropped dramatically and by now they average around 0.4-0.8%.
What both most advertisers and consumers typically don’t understand about advertising is that at its foundation, it’s something that’s intrinsically motivated for users.
When you know about a great product, you tell people about it.
When you hear about a great product for something you are in market for, you pay more attention to find out more.
That’s the natural inclination.
It’s just not the case in practice because for a century companies have tried to exploit that tendency to grab attention when they don’t actually deserve it, to lie about their products, and to generally poison the ecosystem beyond repair.
And it’s a prisoner’s dilemma, as the few companies that would like to be more responsible with their ad content and placement have competitors who throw caution to the wind and mess it up for everyone.
In practice, almost no one really thinks about the long term consequences of doing stupid shit with advertising that will cause consumers to ignore most of their future efforts. And you typically see a consistent small percentage of the overall advertising reach that converts (and the secret about this small percent is it’s mostly the portion of the population that’s highly suggestible that’s being taken advantage of).
If anything, I’d say the current kids are far more ad-tolerant than the, let’s say, 90s “kids”. The ads in games are normal to them.
It goes farther than ad-tolerant, a lot of them enjoy the ads. They see them as a natural part of the content.
For real. I’m less than 5 years older than some of my wife’s friends, and they were almost awestruck that I have basically ZERO ads in our house. Every device has uBlock, Sponsorblock, ReVanced, SmartTube, whole house has PiHole and a couple of other things. And these are CS majors and engineers, so it’s not like they aren’t at least semi tech-savvy. They just accept the ads as if they can’t do anything about them.
But I say fuck it, because literally every content creator I like does zero sponsorship or ad deals, and they all manage to make fantastic content. I’ll give them $1000 via their Patreon or merch before I’ll watch a single ad for shit like Raycons or Raid: Shadow Legends. Ads are absolute cancer and the more ads you see for a product, the shittier it is, almost guaranteed.
Gamers are the most oppressed cultural group.
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Baldur’s Gate 3 was probably the best game of this year (?), but it has an advert for the DLC as soon as you launch it
However, it’s also probably one of the least-bad “triple A” games of this year when it comes to overall monetisation, that singular DLC of cosmetics and the soundtrack being the only one available
Unfortunately, I think this one is a losing battle
Sony didn’t have both versions readily available in the Playstation Store. While I did eventually purchase the DLC (which is the deluxe version, not a typical DLC), I’ll be damned that Sony didn’t make it easy to find the OG version in the store.
And I put that on Sony, not the game publisher. Regardless, BG3 has been a breath of fresh air to gaming this year. About time a studio put out a full game without divvying it up into expansions and DLCs.
I agree that BG3 is a great diversion from the usual. My point is kind of that if you’re a purist about this, you’re missing out on it, even though on the whole it bucks the trend.
Baldur’s Gate 3 has no dlc at all. It has no dlc even announced, let alone available for purchase. Stop making shit up lol. Their launcher has info about the different games they’ve made and their prices, but when you actually launch the game it has NO ad of any sort. You could only barely call the info in their launcher an ad in the first place.
kind of awkward that this both:
it’s absolutely coconuts that you’re currently attempting to die on the hill of a giant “buy now” button not being an advert
also, you do realise that the launcher is an advert? that’s its whole reason to exist. your take is essentially “you’re dumb because after you’ve clicked through the adverts, there aren’t any adverts”
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I mean I guess Divinity never had ads unless you consider the launcher an advert for their other titles, given that that’s basically what it’s there to do?
If you don’t consider anything in launchers to be adverts then I guess you can play BG3, because that’s where the advert for the DLC lives?
I really feel like if Larian had only given you the soundtrack and not the cosmetics, and just not called it DLC, that people really wouldn’t be so up in arms about it.
I was going to ask where the ad was, but I forgot that I turned off the launcher specifically because of that. I have no idea about PS but you can add the following on PC to skip the lau8
Yeah, you absolutely can, but knowing to do that means that the advert has already delivered its message to you.
Futzing around with the launcher settings seems like more work than just clicking “no” on an advert that pops up.
You’re right, once. But adding that one time means I never have to see the launcher again. Clicking no means extra launch time and looking at it every time I launch the game.
But different strokes for different folks. If it’s not worth it to you then that’s cool. It was worth it for me and I thought I’d drop that for anyone else who may want it.
I have the same launcher settings set, so I mean I kind of agree? But you’ve seen the advert, and that’s basically all they want.
I just think it’s kind of weird how people react to things once they’ve filtered their thinking through the hivemind of the internet versus before.
Advertising dlc is ok in my opinion, it’s for the product you’re using and not everyone checks for new dlc
I don’t mind a little ad in the menu, about stuff directly related to game I’m playing. Those little “Hey we released a new content dlc to this exact game” infos can actually be informative. What I really can’t stand is stuff breaking the immersion of the game. I’m not even mad about product placements, when they fit the theme and are sparsely used.
Yeah, product placements like for sports games are fine… I expect to see ads in a park, arena, or stadium.
it even adds to the authenticity in those games, perfect example of it done right. the problem is advertisers thinking their template applies to every medium without exception
But also the deciders in the dev studios, that take the money even if it doesn’t fit or don’t integrate it properly.
i can’t wait for the day when we will need to watch ads or buy premium before we can use our cars
BMW already tried to charge $18 a month for heated seats.
Wait, so they failed to implement that? (Jeez i hope so)
Nope, my boss has an i4 that has this bullshit.
I have an audi a3 that has the hardware for adaptive cruise control but cant use it because of the same bullshit…Car market is fuuuucked
Edit : fyi, i wasnt aware of the problem when ordering it, and its a company car so i didnt pay for it
You still bought the car
Leased it, company car, so i havent paid a single euro for it. And i didnt know they would pull this shit off. I ordered it without adeptive cruise control and got this shit instead.
I would never buy an audi lol, but as a company car, meh.
Fuck cars, I want good public transit and walkable+bikeabke cities.
You mean rent premium (it’s a subscription of course)
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