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Honest to god, EU regulators feel like the last bastion of sanity left.
Until they ban encryption…
They want to ban encryption? Let me guess, is it for the “safety” of children?
Yes, but it failed the latest vote.
Not saying someone won’t try again.
Gotta keep children “safe”… In reality that just means making it easier to watch over the adults taking care of said children :P Lol. Begone Privacy!!
I thought it was tanked after the real sponsors was found out
Who the real sponsor was? Maybe I can read the whole story somewhere?
Until any country ban encryption. Looking at you, USA.
Well the parties in question are trying this for almost a decade. Mostly the “conservative” party from Germany wants total surveillance. In my eyes they are more right than Conservative
Germany is one of the countries against the current chat surveillance proposal, so at least we have that going for us (which is nice)
I’m not sure what is chat surveillance protocol but whatever would be the result any benifits will probably only apply to EU citizens. I recently heard of how Russia’s biggest XMPP server was MitM’ed, it was hosted in Hetzner
It feels like everyone wants to eavesdrop on everyone else, preferably, or at least on everyone who’s not proteted by the local law. Still the US is a worse case of the spying on everything alive, I guess
So, Stasi party?
Lots of stupid stuff gets proposed by members too, but generally it does not pass or gets vetoed by someone.
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Not if encrypted traffic with no state-sanctioned backdoor is forbidden.
Not necessarily the same people that advocate for the different ideas.
Like anything else, some times right, some times wrong.
This is a great “right” moment.
I dread the next “wrong” one.
Just saying “sometimes right, sometimes wrong” is such an oversimplification that it’s meaningless.
Yes, almost all real world systems have variable outcomes, that doesn’t mean that are some aren’t better than others or on average produce better outcomes or ones that drive us in the right direction.
I.e. a system of strong regulators with clear and strong checks and balances (courts and parliament itself), is a far better system than one where corporations are just allowed to operate freely and implement whatever policies they want the instant they have the market power to do so.
My statement was not a critique but just an atempt to make a light remark.
I am fully aware the other option would be living in three ring circus, like the UK is turning into.
Lighten up. Smile.
There is an old video of people larping in a public park. One guy is pulling bean bags out of a little pouch on his side and throwing them at the person he is battling. With each throw he screams “lightning bolt!!!”. Your username reads like three of his lightning bolt attacks.
Thanks Jason
Press X to JSON.
It is worth mentioning that changes you made to the IntegratedServicesRegionPolicySet.json file won’t have effect in stable versions of Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft has to roll out this new capability to the stable branch in March 2024.
It’s annoying that this is all the way at the bottom of the article. Good to know I can do all this, glad I didn’t attempt to change any of this now, because it’s pointless until these updates hit stable
came here to complain about this. BTW, found a more complicated way to remove edge on Tom’s. makes linux howtos look preschool
That seems like standard options why would they be disabled?
This really should be on for everyone, not just when it detects you’re in the EU.
Seems like it would be elementary to add your country code to the list of regions.
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I refuse to believe anyone ever opens microsoft notepad on purpose.
I use it as a temporary text storage since my browser search bar copy and paste stopped working
Depending on the system you’re on it can be all you have. It’s like Microsoft’s vi, just so much worse
Best plain txt viewer
I disagree that that’s much of a problem. Notepad’s just a low footprint plaintext editor, period. It’s good enough for what it does. If you want something more advanced (with more footprint and start time), just use <insert editor here>. I never saw anyone hating on echo and cat…
I’m honestly surprised that I’m going to say this, as I have not used this term and over a decade, but there’s a lot of FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) going on in the comments on this topic, trying to shape a certain narrative.
Just a JSON file in Windows 11 enables you to dock the fucking taskbar to the side of your screen.
I’m just a simple girl with simple desires.
At this point it’s literally just easier to use any Linux distro
Suuure, let me know when Revit, Civil 3D, ArcGIS, OpenRoads Designer are operable and supported on Linux.
The future is now old man.
Looks like the other three aren’t natively supported though.
A bunch of our civil engs happily use qGIS.
I’ve noticed Ala lot of the features on ArcGIS actually originate from qGIS after having built some mapping tools.
Ah, I didn’t know that about ArcGIS!
Still, the others are arguably more important to the civil industry as a whole. I personally don’t believe Autodesk or Bentley will ever support Linux, so us civil folks are stuck.
Only these? What about league of legends, valorant and Visual Studio?
I knoooooooow. I know arcgis is working on it at least. I’m a geologist, a ton of our geospatial programs require windows.
But I’m about ready to experiment with a dual joot for my home set up! I really never need windows for that anymore
How did you get arc working on Linux?
See @applebusch@lemmy. world’s comment in this same chain.
Portal isn’t ArcPro :s
Postgis and Qgis don’t require windows. ArcGIS is such bloat ware. They live by the cult following rather than merit.
I mean yeah, same with adobe and loads of other enterprise software suites. Unfortunately, most of us have no way of convincing our enterprise to move off of their shitty suite. I personally use open his for as much as possible, but professionally I’m stuck with what my work makes me use.
Not many users need those.
Every person with a job needs some kind of app which doesn’t work on Linux. If you’re a teen still studying in school, then yeah, use Linux.
I use Windows at work (it is a corporate laptop) but I don’t use a single app which is Windows-only and irreplaceable. My current job isn’t technology-focused, and I don’t really use anything except standard office-related software.
In my previous job I was a software engineer and also used Windows (same reason; corporate laptop) but again everything I used would have worked in Linux.
People should use whatever platform works best for them. I’m a Linux user at heart, but I’m all for using Windows if that’s the right tool for the job. But it’s not a “grown ups need Windows only teenagers can use Linux” thing. Most working people would do fine with Linux or Mac.
I have 800 users at my work that would say otherwise. Those are software that the entire civil engineering, geospatial, and architectural world rely on to make infrastructure. So, I’d say many users need those.
Yes but it’s relative. I have 800 users right here that doesn’t use any of that stuff. Just saying it’s not really a block for 99% of users because all they do is surf the web and play games.
Over a hundred million people use Autodesk products; Bentley systems is around the same size. Entire essential industries are built on these software. Pinning that all on 1% is disingenuous.
My overall point is that until Linux or the software developers do something about the incompatibility/nonsupport, Windows is here to stay. Some of us have no choice.
Does Wine not work for those tools?
Exactly what I was wondering. I main Linux since 2019. A buddy of mine sent me a unity demo game that he made ( basically a hello world ). I just did
wine hello-world.exe
and it ran just fine ( auto downloaded .net runtimes and everything ).I don’t expect everything to run flawlessly, but wine has come a long way. Especially with valve support and investment into proton for gaming.
Good luck getting support for commercial software if you’re running it under wine.
A professional environment will certainly have requirements that differ from the common people.
Yep. From my point of view, it would be nice to at least have to option to switch users over. Tired of Microsoft’s shit.
No. Not really. But it’s fun to toss that out there, isn’t it.
Eh, I switched last year and it’s really not that different.
I’d assume it’s actually easier now by comparison seeing how Windows has kept shoving in ads
Good for you. You represent the entire computer user base, then?
Now tell the millions of people that don’t want to screw around with different distros, broken repositories, software that doesn’t work on Linux, proprietary drivers, etc. etc.
I like Linux a lot, but don’t make it something it isn’t. But this is Lemmy, so yay Linux.
I don’t know what half of that is, and frankly I don’t care lol
different distros
Isn’t that a benefit of Linux, having all kinds of different distros and different options available? There isn’t a “one size fits all”. Just find the one you like and go from there.
broken repositories
How often does this actually happen? I can’t think of a time I encountered broken repositories within the last few years of using Linux as a daily driver, I feel like you’re exaggerating this. I think the repository system in general is amazing and installing software on Linux is so much better than Windows in about every way really.
software that doesn’t work on Linux
This is a fair point, it depends on your use case. If anything you need is only tied to Windows, then yeah you don’t have many options unfortunately. But I think for average people its probably fine since basically everything is on Linux nowadays, I guess biggest exceptions are like Microsoft Office and Adobe’s suite.
proprietary drivers
I assume you mean NVIDIA? You can just get a distro that includes them already installed and ready to go like Nobara, or just use one that makes them easier to set-up like Pop OS, if you’re uncomfortable installing them on a regular distro. (Though it really isn’t that difficult).
Overall Linux isn’t for everyone, but I do think it’s improving more and more and about at a point now where average users could probably get away with using it instead of Windows in a lot of cases. But it does depend on your use case for sure at the end of the day. Hopefully I’m not out of touch here though lol.
Computers are like cars. People want a car that goes from a to b, like every other car, with no fuss. If you’re really going crazy maybe you look for a manual transmission. They don’t want to mess with computers. They don’t want to know what’s under the hood. They don’t want to have to understand how the CVT works, or how to update a broken repository link via command line. That’s 99.5 of people.
How often do broken repositories happen? Often enough. Biggest reason would be not updating systems and the old repository closed. “BuT WhY wOuLd AnyOnE NoT UpDAtE!!?!” You might ask? Because updating breaks shit. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had a distro set up exactly how I want, apt-get, now my gnome desktop isn’t working. Or Wine doesn’t work. Or whatever.
Only thing you use is tied to windows… See, that’s the thing. You just tossed that out there like all the windows software has a direct and equally capable equivalent on Linux. That’s not true, and I refer back to my car analogy that 99.5% of people don’t want to screw around with trying to sort out workarounds.
As far as drivers go it’s not just NVIDIA, but everything from touchpads to Bluetooth to fingerprint ID unlocks don’t all have Linux drivers. I actually find NVIDIA to be fairly well supported and haven’t had too much difficulty with it since Steam and gamers have decided that maybe Linux isn’t so bad and have made a lot of effort to keep things updated and compatible.
Out of touch… maybe. Take a trip through the Ubuntu forums some time. Probably the most popular and relatively easy distro to use. There are a ton of posts that just don’t get answers, where people just give up, or have multiple command line entries suggested that deal with everything from permissions, different command modifiers, and extremely basic stuff that doesn’t work like config or make. Again, think about that 99.5% that simply doesn’t want to deal with that shit, much less open a terminal window. They probably don’t even know how to open an admin level CMD window on Windows or even the task manager. Think how computer illiterate most people are where even changing a setting in their cellphone is too much trouble.
Look, we could discuss this all day. One of my chief complaints about the Linux crowd is that they just toss out that everyone should switch while completely ignoring the qualifications of the user base they’re asking to switch and putting that up against the thousands of choices and ways to break Linux that exist. That’s why people like Apple products. They’re hard to break by messing around with settings because Apple won’t let you do anything with the OS. You can still break windows, not as easily as one could before, and linux still breaks itself whether you like it or not.
This is why I use ArchI used to recommend Apple over Arch too for the exact reason, but then Wine and Proton drastically improved, especially GE. The only app I use that I can’t get to work or find a very good alternative for on EndeavourOS is
(and my fingerprint driver, like you mentioned)
though I don’t speak for all industries of course.
My repositories have never broke for me, thanks to Arch, probably. If you’re really that worried about updates, you should probably use one of these
dirtyfixed-release LTS distros.I also have no idea how the kernel works.
This whole platform is just Linux and Trump I swear
And communism.
Socialism, but yeah. That’s the decent side of the platform
They’re the same thing for most people on here, and it’s based
What else do you think the world runs on? I’ll give you a hint, it’s not Trump.
I adore Linux but it is not able to do everything I need for my job. I hate my dependence on Windows, but this is the real world.
My media server runs on Ubuntu, and I’d have it no other way
You need some time at !
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Good bot
I’m amazed it took to the second comment to mention Linux.
I just installed Ubuntu (the more mainstream ofnlinux distros) to replace my windows OS. I was greeted by a cryptic error. After a quick search for some tecno bable, i had to start on safe mode and install the video drivers.
Do you think a “regular user” would be able to do this?
Is your video card Nvidia by curiosity?
Yes, thats was the issue. I know about the proprietary drivers and the typical NVIDIA bullshit.
Don’t use Ubuntu desktop, it’s really buggy and full of snaps. Please try Pop OS and you will come back and say how smooth it is, and how you loved it.
Yeah, i belive you (despite the ltt fiasco), but to say that any distro is ready for the average person is just wrong. Thats just my point
but to say that any distro is ready for the average person is just wrong.
Would an average person install Windows on their machine?
Christmas came early this year
The headline is misleading. This Json file is staged but not ready until Microsoft actually releases the changes in March 2024
These changes have already been integrated into Windows 10 with KB5032278 and Windows 11 with KB5032288 , but have largely not yet been activated.
Guess just need to wait till they do.
Aw man. I’ll plug in the PiHole again T_T
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{ "$schema": "schemas/IntegratedServices RegionPolicySet.Schema.1.0.0.json", "version": "1.0", "policies": [ { "$comment": "Edge is uninstallable.", "defaultState": "disabled", "guid": "{1bca278a-5d11-4acf-ad2f-f9ab6d7f93a6}", "conditions": { "region": { "enabled":["AT", "BE", "BG", "CH", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "EE", "ES", "FI", "FR", "GP", "GR", "HR", "HU", "IE", "IS", "IT", "LI", "LT", "LU", "LV", "MT", "MQ", "NL", "NO", "PL", "PT", "RE", "RO", "SE", "SI", "SK", "YT"]} } }, { "$comment": "User can disable web search.", "guid": "{6002ce31-b807-4f82-820c-2b92e716ab76}", "defaultState": "disabled", "conditions": { "region": { "enabled": ["AT", "BE", "BG", "CH", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "EE", "ES", "FI", "FR", "GF", "GP", "GR", "HR", "HU", "IE", "IS", "IT", "LI", "LT", "LU", "LV", "MT", "MQ", "NL", "NO", "PL", "PT", "RE" "RO", "SE", "SI", "SK", "YT"] } }
Youre the fuckin goat
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Microsoft and Apple pervasively install thier entire platform in their Operating Systems so you can’t just have what you need to have on one of their computers, you have the buy the whole platform.
The Linux Eco-system is valued at $100 Billion, has nearly 40 million LoC, and is now Global Mega-Corp Consortium Funded. Link to Linux Foundation Financial Report 2022, “Read The Report”, Page 13.
Top Sponsors:
- Microsoft
- Meta
- Intel
- Oracle
- Tencent
- Huawei
- Fujitsu
- Hitachi
- Ericsson
- Samsung
- Qualcomm
- VMWare (Now Broadcom)
Notable Second Tier Sponsors:
- Blackrock
- WeBank (Facial Recognition only Chinese Bank)
- Alibaba Cloud
Notable Third Tier Sponsors:
- Apple
If we are headed for a global AI monolith or Bladerunner type future, it will surely run on Linux! It’s everywhere and Linux will never again be steered by the community.
Instead use and help make successful any Indie Operating System like Haiku, Aero, or Minix3 instead of literally working as the tinniest cog ever for a Global Mega-Corp Consortium.
You can also just use GhostBSD which is a superb Desktop BSD experience based off of stable FreeBSD that installs and works like Mint. Control your own kernel and everything about your BSD with NetBSD. Now is a great time to get into BSD with NetBSD 10 RC1. Learn it now and you’ll have an OS that when released does only what you want it to do.
Finally there is the fastest BSD, Dragonfly. I made a Dragonfly BSD setup script that will turn a $250 2019 Thinkpad T495 into a lightning fast programmer workstation that does only what you want it to, and hardened. It never even makes one call out to the internet unless you typed the command in or allowed it beforehand.
If you insist on using Linux, then use a distro with an independent kernel that let’s them know you would not like the Linux kernel which has been badly managed by the Dictator Linus, globally taken over.
What exactly are you criticizing about linux? That it got (too) successful? That it is run in its current form by Linus Torvalds at the top as a sort of benevolent dictator? That it is taking money from sponsors?
Genuinely curious, this is a first time I’ve seen such criticism. More often I see linux people in endless flamewars about DEs, wayland vs X, package managers or whatever they feel strongly about and I’m not interested in those.
Linux is a kernel. The distribution is what actually matters.
Plus, I am not a fan of deciding whether to use something based on who funds them.
You have it backwards. The kernel is Linux. A distribution is added to the kernel. The kernel is what matters, the distribution is consequent and relies on the kernel which dictates all it’s functions. The distribution is flavor on top of foundation. 101.
All investment of time, money, resources, everything, should be ethical choices, ethical investing. Deciding to ignore who funds what makes you vulnerable to accept tainted diamonds, Cartel funded dispensaries, restaurants, and Policians, etc, etc. You should be wary of who you make rich, who you compensate, who you give your money to.
Ignorance of money and the resources it drives that determine the fate of people everywhere is simply ignorance and your viewpoint should not be rewarded.
You have it backwards. The kernel is essential to an operating system, but all it does is the basics: process system calls, manage processes, get you virtual files… Essentially, a kernel is just the programming language and its runtime for everything you build in an operating system. Distributions are ran on top on the runtime, and the distribution is what’s important in whether the user’s liberties are respected or not. A programming language cannot compromise your liberties.
As long as something’s funds doesn’t change its features enough to obstruct the users, any kind of funding is fine. So far, obstructions have not happened to the Linux kernel.
A programming language cannot compromise your liberties.
As a decades experienced security professional myself I can tell you that people reading are not taking what you say seriously so I don’t have to respond and tediously break apart that swath of misinformation.
Minus points for parroting me.
Can’t any point in Linux just be forked? So if it becomes like Microsoft’s products someone can just fork the preferred version and run from there no?
It kinda already is a Microsoft project by Finance and each of them integrating the other’s systems more and more. Also, the highly paid world programmers are putting non-free blobs and highly complex code into Linux and at 40 million LoC, I propose it will soon be beyond the community to run a coherent fork without all the global code.
deactivate Bing in taskbar search
Stop, I can only get so erect.
Who am I kidding, I already reverted my machines to Windows 10 ages ago, and haven’t had to deal with such bullcrap.
I already reverted my machines to Windows 10 ages ago
Ah the sweet smell of, “your computer is not ready for Windows 11. Find out what you can do.”
I just switched to Linux bcs I couldn’t stand the MS BS anymore. Lol. Plus my computer can’t even update to W11. So only so much longer till I’d need to do that anyways lol.
There’s a good chance MS will have to extend their support for Windows 10 because of that. Either that, or they’ll have to make it easier for non-compliant hardware to run it.
That would be nice. Granted at this point I find it hard to find a reason to switch. Just seems boring at this point. Lol. Like I use the Surface Pro 3 which isn’t supported… which I think at the very least they should try to make sure even their OWN older hardware is supported? Lol.
The setting to disable Bing in search has existed since the feature has been added.
If only you guys learned to look in the settings…
Last week I ditched windows for linux on my last computer.
And yesterday and today have been spent working fruitlessly to mod Baldur’s Gate 3.
I cannot for the life of me figure out what’s going wrong. So far, I’ve gotten a grand total of zero mods to work. If I were still on Windows, I could use one of two or three separate mod managers.
Sadly, this new laptop didn’t come with Windows 10, only 11. Which was what fueled the drive to ditch it for linux.
Welcome to Linux, where simultaneously the forum “have you tried Linux?” people claims it works perfectly, and they’ve never once encountered an issue ever in their lifetime, and the rest of the users struggle with bullshit error after error that somehow miraculously don’t occur on the soapboxers’ machines
You can download Windows 10 directly from Microsoft. Any version you like, if you use the command line interface.
You can then use an open source bit of software to commercially license it. This is basically legitimate, for all intents and purposes. It’s how corporate licenses are done.
A computer built for Windows 11 hardware should work just fine in Windows 10. You might not be able to use the official manufacturer’s drivers for certain bits, but the generic drivers should still work.
Did you check out Lutris for mod managers? I know Vortex is on there and is supposed to work with all steam games.
A little detective work got me to this Linux specific mod manager that targets BG3 and CP2077 -
Ah yeah, Lamp. I’ve not gotten it to work at all.
As for Lutris, I tried both Vortex and the BG3ModManager. Couldn’t get either working.
I even tried a straight wine install.
So I’ve been forced to do mod entries by hand. And even that isn’t working, but at least I’ve stopped crashing the game.
Fun fact about Lutris and BG3ModManager, apparently a recent update to Lutris broke compatibility. I’ve yet to track down which version, I’ve just seen posts on various forums from the last few weeks talking about it.
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Windows 10 forces edge, bing, and ads in the search bar already. Reverting to 10 changes nothing in that regard.
Until you don’t get anymore updates and you are hacked and botnet infested.
Security updates for Windows 10 are currently set to end in 2025. However, there is a strong possibility Microsoft will continue to support it, given that so much hardware cannot be directly upgraded to Windows 11 (it can be done, but not officially).
You’re also saying that as if an up to date Windows 11 installation is the pinnacle of security. Last I checked (albeit I can’t remember the name of it), there was a very low level way of hacking out a Windows user’s password, one that Microsoft has no easy way of addressing. This is among any number of other zero days that are prevalent in such a widespread OS.
I am saying that Linux is the way to go. Fk M$.
Maybe the botnet will play League of Legends better then I do. Meanwhile it will have ‘mysterious power outages’ whenever I’m doing real work in Linux ;-)
Edge is required for web search
By disabling this, does it mean I’ll be able to set Firefox as the default browser to open when doing a web search from the start menu?
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I use MSEdgeRedirect to redirect both the search engine and the browser used by start menu searches.
Sweet, even less garbage to clutter up the ol gaming rig.
Maybe one day game devs will enable anticheat on Linux so I can finally uninstall the shit OS.
Maybe one day game devs will enable anticheat on Linux so I can finally uninstall the shit OS.
EasyAntiCheat is already there.
I think whatever Valorant has is the main issue. Back 4 Blood also doesn’t work for some reason, nor does it work in a Windows VM.
Does this work for non EU?
That’s literally the whole point, but right now only in preview versions.