Hi-chew? If Alaska wasn’t already detached I’d make a petition. Who the fuck likes hi-chew?
Who the fuck doesn’t like hi-chew’s?
Sir we have Starbursts. We are civilized.
Starburst are the Great Value brand of Hi-Chew.
You have that backwards. Hi-chew are the hydrox of chewable fruit treats.
Hydrox is the original. Oreo is the copycat
What the fuck is hi-chew?
It’s a delicious fruit-flavored candy sort of like a Starburst, but softer and sweeter.
Check asian grocery stores in your area they might have them.
Dum Dums so fitting for Florida
Ah, the old folks home of America is finally getting hip for the youngsters by putting their hard candy on sticks.
At least Texas has good taste in something.
Florida is Dum-Dums?! I love it.
Now, I do like candy corn, but if that’s the favorite candy in your whole state, there’s something wrong with your state
Look at that bougie shit down in Texas.
Ten y’all’s say that’s just because of people scrambling to find candy when they get trick or treaters knocking at their door and they forgot it was Halloween, and all they have is these things, leftover from last Christmas.
And HI!
What’s up?
I’m surprised people actually like candy corn
I’d prefer it to licorice, which is on there in the form of Twizzlers and Red Vines.
So Alaska gives out Hi-Chews? As in the ones you find at convenience stores in Japan? (ハイチュウ)
gotta be something in the water down in FL
It’s definitely full of dum dums
Wtf is this East Coast West coast Twizzlers v Red Vines?
West Coast best coast once again.
Wtf is Texas secretly bougie or something?
No way people in Mississippi eat candy corn. It might be where all the candy corn from the rest of the country gets dumped, but no way anyone eats it.
It’s the only time they eat any vegetables, so they have to fill up.
Why Florida gotta do themselves like that?
They were confused by the survey and just self identified.
Ferrero Rocher are candies? These are chocolate. It’s a weird definition of candy to include them.
Anyway, the best candies for Halloween are Brussels sprouts.
Pretty soon, the kids won’t have to worry about eating Brussels sprouts, because the Brussels sprouts will be eating them!