Illegal Anti-Competitive / Cartel behaviour, yes??
Apple, you are only exempt-from-law UNTIL the regulators decide to do their jobs honestly.
THEN, you’re hosed.
_ /\ _
I really don’t understand who the fuck cares about this shit. OMG! Can’t believe the world we’re living in now
Which losers are downvoting ? Show yourself, allow me to make an example outta you.
The fuck you gonna do, child? I hate both Google and Apple, downvoting you for sport.
Lol you sound like a apple fanboi aka THE KEYBOARD Warrior lol
I fucking hate Apple. Can you read?
I downvoted your comment because it didn’t contribute into the discussion.
Fair enough but I gotta ask are you an apple fanboi or android ?
neither. both suck.
Apples was and is still extremely anti-competitive and anti-consumers oriented.
I remember in the ipod days plugging a CD into the aul PC and ripping all the files as aac… A format that would only play in iTunes
I had an arcos jukebox before the first iPod came out, every time they’d release a new version it’s big feature would be something my jukebox had always done. Except it didn’t have an awkward spinning selector wheel or celebrity endorsements.
I could connect it to the cd player and record the whole thing as mp3s, I think it even used to split the tracks automatically but I might be wrong. Plug it into usb and it’s a HDD ready to have anything copied to it without hassle… No need for shitty iTunes, no complaints about wav files and never found an MP3 it couldn’t play.
I remember thinking that surely people will realize over priced and feature limited products are an insult but no, the kids of the future I had so much hope for turned out to be gen z who care more about brand recognition than anyone ever before. I still think the feature rich generics will have their day, maybe generation alpha…
“Awkward spinning selector wheel”
Say what you want, but the iPod click wheel was anything but awkward. It was the most approachable and efficient interface and hardware on the market by miles and miles. Navigating other similar devices without it is an awful experience of buttons and layered menus that feel clunky and slow.
I won’t deny that the Arcos and other jukeboxes were incredible devices, but they lacked accessibility and mass appeal. Their size and expense kept most people from even considering getting one. They were absolutely an enthusiast’s device and nothing more.
The iPod ushered in the boom of portable media players and paved the road for Apple’s performance in the mobile phone space by establishing them as purveyors of a superior form factor and experience when it came to those devices. Apple owes its continued success in its personal computer and tablet product lines to the iPod’s design and their decision to focus on creating a cohesive ecosystem across their products based on those design principles.
What’s the point of even using iMessage when there’s so many better options for messaging.
I have never had an issue with messaging anyone in iMessage, regardless of what platform they are using. Serious question: is there something I am missing out on with iMessage that warrants investigating alternatives?
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That’s interesting about the reactions. I’m an Android (Pixel) user, and I swear when using the standard SMS app on my phone, from some iOS users I see their reactions as an emoji, while from others it does the “[user] liked your message” thing. Could it also be related to the version of iOS that’s being used on the other end?
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So… What your telling us is that it’s bad. Not good.
because incompatible. It won’t work on any device. Except those of that cult. That cult whose leader killed himself after magically getting a a new liver somewhere in Asia.
You know, donor organs for which there are waiting lists of months and months.
Which was totally not weird and surely 100% legal and all. Just fine.
The ability to message people who don’t own the same phone as you.
You also cannot call someone who has a different name or model phone as you.
I’m not sure why you think I can’t do that.
iMessage can only send SMS messages to non Apple phones, which suck. And if you have friends in other countries get crazy expensive and suck even more.
I actually had no idea anyone still charged money for SMS
Also if you’re in another country almost everyone charges for roaming sms but you can use messaging apps on WiFi for free.
I have Andriod and my wife’s got iPhone. IMessages don’t deliver… or deliver hours later. Images don’t make it… or make it xna they are potato.
My mom had the same problem. She has a 6 year old iPhone and sometimes my messages are delivered days after I send them. Happened a lot last year…
You aren’t sending iMessages. You’re sending text messages, and vice versa. Old school SMS and MMS (from the days of the first cameraphones…the standard hasn’t changed much since then) are the best common language between your phones.
Google/Android support RCS, the open modern protocol to replace SMS/MMS, and Apple is being sluggish to implement. Apple also supports iMessage, the default enhanced language to replace SMS/MMS, but that’s a closed protocol, and as such only supports Apple.
Sent from wefwef for iOS, but I’d still say Apple are the assholes here. The only reason I even have a damn iPhone is because most of the people I exchange pictures/videos with, and the people they exchange pictures and video with, happen to use iPhones. So there’s no incentive for all of them to switch to a third-party platform for just me.
If you don’t have a blue bubble on your friends phones, they will bully you until you take an AR-15 to school and kill everyone.
Either that, or suicide. Blue bubbles are a leading cause of suicide among tweens and teens in the US.
“It’s installed by default and all my friends are on it” - 50% of Americans
They don’t need to worry about the fact that the other half of Americans are not able to comfortably message them, or participate in group chats, because those are people poorer than them that they might not even want to interact with anyways. Some of them might even be not white.
This becomes even more extreme as ages become younger, with around 98% of college age students and younger having iPhones (this is obviously biased to higher income colleges in metropolitian area but the data is still useful). The peer pressure of not having an iPhone is genuinely incredible (trust me, i experience it). I have genuinely had people stop wanting to be friends with me once they learned I had an Android phone.
Apple has a monopoly so powerful that they influence the social circles of almost every grade schooler and college student in America. This is why they don’t want to give it up.
I can afford Apple products. I dont buy them, because, fuck Apple.
If someone offered me a free iPhone on the condition that I use it, I’d decline.
I did get given a free iPhone! I opted not to use it.
- Terrible email client options
- Can’t rearrange your home screen beyond changing the icon order a bit
- Firefox is just Safari with a groucho marx fake nose and glasses
- Notifications are laughable by comparison
- Share options are laughable by comparison
- Camera is supposed to be better than any Android device ever invented, yet somehow managed to take blurry photos ~50% of the time so I’d end up taking 6 photos in every situation to make sure I got one where you could use it. I may be an edge case here as I’m mostly taking photos of name plates and technical documents where crisp detail is super important… iOS just wanted to make pretty colours and boke the world, even if it meant half a name plate was in focus and the back was artificially blurred for that sweet Instagram professional photographer look.
Same. My plan would be to sell it so I could buy something else lol
Fuck. I sent a comment with my old account.
As an adult with Android, I can say this is real. I was on Safari in Africa and everybody else with me had iPhones. They were airdropping pictures to each other and I was reduced to begging for somebody to email them to me.
We were on a tour and the guide had an iPhone, but we have Android phones. He took some photos and said “Oh if you had an iPhone I could just Airdrop them to you” and we said “If you had an Android phone you could Nearby Share them to us”.
Then there was much explaining about how Airdrop was better because it works with iPhones, and Nearby Share is no good because it won’t work with iPhones.
Couldn’t quite get them to see the irony about that complaint.
I have genuinely had people stop wanting to be friends with me once they learned I had an Android phone.
Fuck those horrible people. They don’t deserve to be anyone’s friends with such a shitty attitude.
You have just described 98% of Americans.
The peer pressure of not having an iPhone is genuinely incredible (trust me, i experience it).
I wanna talk a bit about where this comes from. There are what, two or three models of iPhone that you can buy off the shelf right now?
Think about grade school kids and their first phone. What do they get? Well, parents almost expect them to break the phone. If it’s an iPhone, then it’s one of the three, expensive models. If it’s an Android, it’s probably a cheap piece of shit (because on Android those are an option). It’s certainly not a Pixel or the latest Samsung.
So grade school kids learn that iPhone = quality, and Android = cheap pieces of shit. And even if at the high end Android is better, young people by and large don’t experience that. And it sticks with them. Apple did a similar strategy with putting Apple computers into every grade school in the 1980s.
And Apple is doing everything they can to reinforce this marketing and peer pressure, especially the iMessage thing. The only reason the iMessage “issue” exists is because Apple wants it to exist. They want the $700 cosmetic for chat to continue to exist. It’s a large part of their business model.
Most of my tech friends bought their babies iPad pros. As in, they crawled on them. I was told this will help them become programmers.
is like they don’t know addiction exist
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Yeah, like session and signal
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Who cares?
No one that has a brain.
defederate facebook
“Oh, what’s this unauthorized bullshit on our servers?”
I’m just surprised that it took this long
Probably had to be extra careful to test. MDM software software might get glitched out.
same. there seems to be a lot of people that don’t realize some things don’t get done, not because they’re impossible, but because as soon as they do it a company will put a stop to it.
it’s like cracking a Xbox or something. the very next patch will render the method obsolete and nonviable. when i heard this workaround was coming for Android, my immediate reaction was how long it would last before Apple just changed something so that it doesn’t work.
Their hope was that they got close enough to an actual Apple device that breaking it would break Apple devices. It turns out they weren’t close enough, but they could be with a few improvements.
Spoiler - it’s working again. Might be teething problems for a new service.
it’s working again
No it isn’t. If you read the article, the lead developer is pointing fingers at Apple, so no, not a “teething problem” either.
I literally sent a message right before posting.
You may be able to get a message out here and there but I’m in a public group with hundreds of users and no one’s is working.
The fact that people care about whether their messages are blue or green is so absolutely ridiculous.
I’ve known people who literally refuse to message anyone who doesn’t use iMessage (and by extension has an iPhone).
Every one of them turned out to be a twat in every other facet of their personality as well.
It’s not blue vs green but encrypted or not.
Yeah use Signal. Encrypted messages without a thousand dollar dependency.
It’s definitely the blue vs green bubbles. Your average user doesn’t even know iMessage is E2EE. They also don’t care.
This is literally perpetuated by schoolyard bullying. Anyone over the age of 20 will very likely be entirely out of touch with how big a deal green/blue is for pre-teens and teens these days. It’s pretty much a cornerstone in teen social structures.
Yes had a business owner come in and demand all employee phones be iPhone or get out. Jobs was his personal hero and thought Apple could do no wrong. The issue was the company he bought was run on software made for Windows. A lot of extra effort went into making it work on macbooks he insisted we all use.
In the end he believed he was as great as Jobs. Not sure that’s a great role model across the board for those that know more than just the apple procducts. The family values and toxic *work practices were not for everyone.
I was glad to get out of that company and back to my android phone and now Linux computing.
I will say the 3 good things about my iPhone was the camera, the full resolution media sharing with other iPhone users via iMessage, and the gallery uploading to other iOS devices.
The latter two are still a weakness with Google. At least they are addressing it with RCS but its still going to take time. Google photos has cloud back up but I’ve not really looked into how seamless the media backup to all android devices has been.
Google photos is just cloud back up like iCloud backup for iOS devices.
Google photos is also on iOS devices, so you could have your photos on any of your devices.
Welcome to Middle School. Blue bubble and ‘Find My’ support are feature drivers. You’re either in or out.
Ironically, Spotify and x-platform playlist sharing (aka mixtapes) drive counter-adoption.
Go figure.
This reminds me of the blackberry ping days, everyone and their mom acting like a diva for having a sidekick blackberry just to use ping.
Those were better days financially.
BBM was the jam back in the days before iPhone. If you wanted to be in on the group chats you needed a blackberry. In the last little bit they opened it up to more devices but the gig was up.
I still miss their icons.
They were never popular over here outside of business users, I always liked the tiny red LED. Sure, I can make the flag on my iPhone blink on new messages, but it’s not the same
Yes the light was the best. Some of the early android devices tried to carry on with this practice but screen time attention I suspect won the day
But Android phones still have multicolor notification led. In fact it blows my mind that iPhones don’t, I wouldn’t even consider a phone without it anymore.
I don’t know what may have changed as I am an iPhone user, but about 10 years ago I worked in a small security role for a fairly large company, and the communications company we were using was more than happy to hand over sms logs as plain text. I would personally never send messages to anyone I was sure wasn’t encrypted and I can tell that by the blue bubble. I just don’t know when it is green.
I don’t know what has changed as I don’t keep up with it, but I am still dubious about messaging outside the Apple ecosystem, which is ok for me as I live in a country where most people use iOS
RCS on Android defaults to E2E encryption now since some year back, and Signal has been around for a long time now
Messaging apps in general are basically walled gardens.
Gasp, we should try making a federated alternative.
Session? Signal?
never heard of that one.
It’s the original. Say thanks Richard.
I think it’s a bit crazy to create a paid service on top of a reverse engineered product that isn’t static. Indivious, NewPipe and other youtube frontends aren’t going to create a paid youtube frontend, because they know Google could kill that at any point. Google could dedicate a full team to making youtube frontends non-functional.
Apple has a much bigger incentive to derail iMessage alternatives because they know that dumb parents have taught their kids how to live in a closed ecosystem and be slaves to Apple. 87% of USAian teenagers use Apple, which means it’s only a matter of time before Apple becomes the dominant player on the market. If you want to keep making fat stacks of cash, the best thing you can do is control the market, which means killing of competition.
The only reason Apple would ever stop killing competitors is if it became legally and financially detrimental to do so. They’d have to reach Microsoft levels of antitrust and bad press before even considering backpedaling.
Everyone buying their products is helping Apple along to their goal of market dominance.
If you really want to go down that road, use something like “United Statesman” or something that actually fits the language. “Americanian” is absurd and people will take you less seriously for it.
USAian reads better than USAn 🤷 And I’m not going to type out “United Statesman” every time I want to refer to something USAian like a car. “United Statesman car”.
“USAian” doesn’t read better than anything when it’s a made up word that looks ridiculous. Just say “a US car” or “American”.
lol alright then. Good luck dictating how a language operates.
Like you were trying to dictate how I speak? Yeah, I won’t be doing that.
No, my dude. You just seemed like a non-native speaker of English and I was trying to help you out. It’s what I do for a living. I’ll be happy to teach “USAian” to my students if it ever becomes commonplace vernacular that they would likely hear on the streets. Unfortunately since it’s kind of grammatically nonsensical and weirder to both say and understand, that might take a whole lot more effort to accomplish than you seem to think it will. Good luck though. I find linguistic evolution interesting, so I won’t stop you.
Spanish has it: estadounidense (unitedstatesian)
Other than that, it’s no one’s fault but the USA’s they gave their country such a stupid name (stealing the one of the continent)
I really hate to break it to you, but the name “America” didn’t come from the Americans.
(And if the person I replied to had been speaking in Spanish, I wouldn’t have had any reason to reply.)
I hate to break it to you, but the name America as it was chosen by Europeans was meant to be the name of the continent.
The name USA was chosen by unitedstatesians when creating the country. A stupid mistake. Everyone else managed to pick a name, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Argentina… but not the USA.
87% of teenagers use Apple
Do you mean US American teenagers, or North American teenagers, or who exactly? Surely that can’t be global?
Yeah, lemme edit it. USAian kids
The correct term for that is American by the way, not USAian.
No thanks. The USA doesn’t represent all of North and South America.
I never said it does. I just said it’s the correct word. It’s not confusing or ambiguous. Only one country uses it. It also does represent multiple states in the americas, hence the name.
If that’s the correct word to you, fine, use it. I won’t. Just because one country assumes it can be eponymous with not just one, but two entire continents, doesn’t make it right, nor do I have to agree with it.
And I guess South African should be something else, because there are other states in southern Africa? Language doesn’t really care about being “correct” with terms. It cares about being understandable. No one knows what USAian is. Everyone knows what American is. There isn’t really any debate anywhere around what to call people from the United States of America, even among other American nations.
Yeah, I mean I totally get the annoyance of American being overloaded for both US person and of the American continents, but USAian ain’t the solution lol that kind of sucks (hard to say, no history to it, etc)
Give me a term less ambiguous than “American” and I might use it.
American is pretty unambiguous. What are you getting it mixed up with? No one else uses it. If you hear American, do you have to run through a list of other countries asking them which they are from? Of not, it’s unambiguous.
You could argue that it shouldn’t be the pronoun for a US citizen, but that’s a different argument than it being ambiguous.
Whatever adjective makes you feel better: appropriate, apt, fitting, correct, modest, less expansive, less assuming, less imperious, less opulent, less grandiose, less egocentric, less narcissistic
Chile is American
Chile citizens are called Chileans.
Chileans, Californians, Texans, New Yorkers, Minnesotans, Britich Columbians, Guatemalans…all Americans
The point you’re trying to make is correct on a technical level, not a functional one. Unfortunately we can’t will languages into behaving in ways we think is ideal simply by making pointless assertions in obscure forums.
That stat came from an article that made the rounds a few weeks ago that cited a phone survey of 1000 or so kids in one small part of the US. Small, poorly controlled sample size, so bad data.
Yeah if Apple is willing to invest tons of money to keep using literal slaves (or at least to be intentionally ignorant about slavery in their supply chain) they aren’t going to be chivalrous about someone circumventing their intentional attempts to amp up class based marketing pressure for their apps.
Meanwhile, Whatsapp continues to be the most used messaging app in the world, with no sms or any other sort of fallback if you don’t have an internet connection.
whatsapp is spyware from facebook, it’s supposedly end-to-end encrypted but that’s worthless coming from a company that goes through embarassing databreaches every other week…at minimum
Yes. But America wants their blue message balloons. How else do you know who you need to ignore? /s
I don’t give a flying fuck about it.
No one with a brain does.
is opinion
Honestly let’s have some dignity and not buy into this vapid pretentious idiocy.
Whoever gave it 24 hours gets a medal from me