AI-created “virtual influencers” are stealing business from humans::Brands are turning to hyper-realistic, AI-generated influencers for promotions.
Oh no. People who use their good looks to push lifestyles that are unattainable are suffering the smallest bit of inconvenience. Oh no.
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch honestly
Web designers?
my problem with it is that we may be next
And? Go ahead and automate my job. I will find something else to do with my life. Good luck btw my work is a bit more complicated than pretending to be famous and harassing restaurants for free food until I am 30 fat or both.
they are experimentally automating lawyers and doctors already, complexity is not the determining factor here.
what is that something else in life you are going to do when they start pitching us to compete against machines? i can bet my ass on the fact they will use it to devalue human labour as much as possible, and most people cant afford to survive as is.
Cool. So it’s been 8 hours. How far have “they” progressed? Do I still have to go to work on Tuesday?
Sorry the influencer you follow can’t get free stuff anymore.
You are naive to think stuff like this will change overnight. And you might be if you think you are getting singled out and spared.
I don’t follow influencers nor do I have any traditional social media.
Who are those “they” always refered? Isn’t it that the humanity is doing all for this?
in this specific case “they” are tech corporations, tech ceos and their respective shareholders which might include a part of the global burgeoise.
i think this tech would be used much differently if the rest of the knowledgeable people in humanity had a say/vote on it, besides financial interest.
The “they” are the wealthy executives and investors doing whatever they can to optimize every single penny into their pockets
In a way it is “the humanity doing it to themselves”, but they sure aren’t asking the average worker how they feel about it, or letting them have any easier time because of it. If enough work is automated, they’d rather fire people and have one person work for two while the second person starves.
It’s a well-known fact that most people think that all jobs can be automated except their own. Well, I’m distorting it a bit to extremes.
As for me, I know my job can be automated. Actually, I’m automating it a bit to make fewer mistakes and give fewer fucks. And I know that eventually there may not be a need for me if I don’t change levels.
Fields and professions are persistent, particular roles humans perform in them are not.
Go ahead! What part of me inviting you did you not grasp?
Mixed up comments probably.
Anyway, to you my question is - why do you think such a migration would work? You are older than when you entered your current profession. And it’s a competitive system, another people would have more experience than you.
That isn’t your concern really, it is mine. Now how is it going with it? Am I going to work on Tuesday?
Or they’re just not good enough and there are prettier ones out there? God forbis Rachel’s only fans isn’t top because maybe she’s not that good at showing her pussy? Like anything in life, competition is a bitch.
Liking somebody for looks and such behavior only is not worse or better than disliking somebody for looks and such behavior only.
If that meant that you don’t get my comment, then:
Gloating is bad.
It’s not a bad thing that someone could live fancy without killing people or stealing or embezzling funds in some administrative position, or something of the listed indirectly.
Various shitcoin schemes go here too.
removed by mod
What could you possibly say that got removed by mods?
Oh no, those poor influencers … anyway …
First they came for the influencers, and I did not speak out, because I’m not an influencer…
There are some things I won’t be disappointed to see replaced by automation. Transitions are not well managed in this regard (retraining is expensive after all), but many jobs I feel should be automated because they suck. Not really sure where influencers fall on this scale… Can’t imagine it’s great for your mental health.
Give them some talent and they’re essentially movie actors. It’s just another form of entertainment and as little as I care about influencers this won’t stop with them. Anyone that appears on camera is fair game to be replaced.
Better than AI influencers
In what way?
Coz influencers can be people lucking into it, with AI influencers it’s mostly going to be brands cutting out the middlemen and making more money and reducing any chance of people receiving consequences of their actions as they can just delete that AI influencer and create a new one, whereas any human influencer will suffer the consequences even if very little for their actions
What makes you think they can’t (and don’t) just fire a human influencer and hire a new one whenever they feel like it now?
I did expect that, still better than AI influencers no? Even if by a tiny bit.
Your anti-AI prejudice is showing.
I’ll remember to take your words into consideration SatansMaggotyCumFart
Whoah there: Who says AI influencers aren’t the result of individual’s honest work? You don’t need an entire data center of computers to make your own AI influencer!
Don’t assume there’s a corporation behind every AI persona. It could just be one guy with a lot of VRAM getting creative with prompts in his parent’s basement.
Well they are products of the tech industry, so they are inherently not honest or ethical.
Ah yes. Like that damn internet and those cursed devices people use to access it. Anyone using those is inherently not honest or ethical.
The internet is the worst mistake in human history. I’m surprised you’d use that as your example.
Right cuz blaming lobbyists and ad campaigns… that’s totally worked out for tobacco, guns, pharma and vehicle companies looking to shirk any accountability.
I think that’s a true unpopular opinion there. Not bad, not bad at all.
Thanks, I’ll not be here all day
How about none at all? But you’re probably right that real ones are better than ai. Although ai might be more ethical than some
How so?
That makes sense. The goal always seemed to be as fake as possible.
Good. Fuck anyone who treats ‘influencing’ as a career.
The thing is that I don’t really think anyone does, it’s a buzz word construed by traditional media to let them draw hate on to modern competition without admitting they’re even worse.
Fit example Kim Kardashian is an influencer unless she’s on old media then she’s a celebrity, Hank Green is an influencer on tiktok but if was on traditional media he’s a science educator… None of these jobs are new it’s just that they’re not controlled by corporations to the same degree so the rich have invested some money in making you hate them.
Remember when we used to shame people for “selling out”? Now we have an entire generation or two who can’t sell out faster enough. Crazy.
Oh no, fake people are stealing fake jobs from fake people!
“Stealing” business…?
AI is stealing the job of immigrants, being blamed for stealing jobs!
They terk er jobs!
Sounds like
RickSubway is out of a job.I like this reference. Funnily enough I read somewhere that Subway actually did a campaign like that episode.
I hate influencers, aka living adverts
“Then they came for the influencers, and I said nothing…”
There’s a flaw in this logic: things can be considered constructive and helpful but be entirely wrong.
Such as this comment? /S
Humans are flawed in this way too
I always considered this comic to be tongue in cheek, In practice it would not end up like this.
Because fuck em.
Can’t you see us insulting them? We said a lot as we watched them descend into a dark hole never to return.
And nothing of value was lost.
Well, yes. Looking at human beauty without deep communication and intelligence is similar to playing video games when you want a Matrix-like simulation of our world. You just feel that it’s all textures put onto polygons drawn on your screen and there’s no magic behind it.
Go ahead and be an apologist for this
Downvote for completely missing the point of my comment because of positive connotations with the word “beauty”.
Which influencer kept you in friendzone?
Downvote for keeping spewing something incomprehensible in response to a comment elaborating another comment.
Even if we accept that one can argue like most people in the Web, with two teams and fighting in the right direction, and not be considered an ape, - then you still got even that direction wrong.
As for your question (I suppose it was rhetorical and intended to look edgy), I don’t know any “influencers”. But of good-looking girls I know those I could really like could as well wear Mandalorian armor at all times.
Did you ever show up to a gym in body paint and make a big show about being kicked out?
No, but it would be interesting to see something like this happen.
Human beauty is harassing restaurant owners for free food in exchange for exposure
Downvote for - ah, I’ve already answered your newer comment.
Guess they’ll have to get a real job now.
Well, the real jobs are going to AI too
Are there any that are real in the sense that they contribute something of value to society?
Even doctors are liable to be replaced by AI. I don’t know what counts as “something of value to society” to you, and frankly that’s the sort of argument that is never worth having. But generally speaking, it doesn’t get much more valuable for society than doctors.
If an AI can outperform a human doctor, isn’t that a good thing? We should always strive to improve survival for patients - it’s not about doctors jobs but patient survival and long term health outcomes.
I would love for doctors to become AI if the AI improves our growing health inequities and inequalities.
Part of the issue is that this rush to transition to AI is not done to increase quality of work, but to sav time and costs. If the point was to improve the treatment, keeping a human doctor plus AI might result in better outcomes. But AI or no AI, a for-profit medical system won’t elliminate health inequalities.
It’s also worth keeping in mind not all forms of work are actually enhanced by AI participation. Journalists aren’t aided by language models that regularly hallucinate false informations.
Being a doctor would be a real job, but the only jobs I’ve seen actually getting replaced are things like clickbait content farms, scams, marketing, exploitive gambling-centric video games, and other such garbage. Unlike being a doctor it’s never been hard to shit that stuff out into the world. And since these neural networks aren’t actually that good, I’ll believe they can replace doctors when I see it.
I’ll believe they can replace doctors when I see it.
And when that day comes we’re not going back.
You haven’t heard of good writing and good artwork being replaced by AI?
Replaced implies humans are no longer writing or creating art, which obviously isn’t the case. They just have more competition now.
Replaced implies some, likely many humans won’t be able to compete and will be driven out of the field. Not by any other more skillful artist, but simply by AI output. Which is an inevitability. Some might say it’s already happening.
I’ve seen some pretty interesting images and some funny text but nothing that amounts to a big enough vision that it’s something cohesive like a complete movie or a book. I’ve seen Joel Haver videos but those aren’t made by pushing a button and getting a video.
They terk er jerbs
I first saw pinky in the picture when on a post saying italian company tired of dealing with insufferable influencers so they just built their own.
Ill say the same thing now that I did then.
Reminds me of the novel Idoru by William Gibson. Worth a read, not sure how it holds up in this era though
I prefer to think of it as leveling the playing field. You don’t have to be a 20 year old woman with the right face and body ratios to be an instagram model anymore. Anyone can! Seems like true equality to me.
Yeah let’s do this instead of banning predatory advertising lol.
You just need to be a geek who can afford some 4090 and the software which produce the pretty lady.
You also need an eye for the right aesthetics and some marketing savvy, there’s lots of pretty girls who still don’t meet the cut for “influencer”. Granted, being pretty and having marketing savvy is a really good recipe for success, but it still makes no guarantees.
Would you look at that, another story where I hate everybody involved.
And thus social media has reached its apex.
After a decade plus of bombarding people with a mix of whatever they desire most and whatever causes them to become emotionally invested to the point of exhaustion, we see the pinnacle innovation of social media:
A literally completely fake person selling overpriced fashion I guarantee was made in a sweatshop, that nearly no one viewing ‘her’ can afford or look good in, who receives many thirsty comments praising her as if ‘she’ will be their friend or something, who in the process of doing all this also puts out of business actual human models who are simply fake in every sense of the word that is not literal.
It is basically the most perfectly capitalist thing I can imagine. Everyone loses except the capital owners.
I mean sure, maybe it will get some people whose entire personality is “I am pretty, worship me!” to think about doing something actually useful or learning and developing a real personality.
But… we are fairly far into the predicted cyberpunk dystopia now. No its not exactly as predicted, but shockingly close in many ways.
The average consumer of content cannot tell a bot or a fake person such as Aitana here from a real one, and there will just be another after news of Aitana in particular gets around.
At this point I would say that most humans have basically failed a reverse Turing Test.
Yeah, we really are steamrolling right into a cyberpunk dystopia, aren’t we? Well, if we can even include the world “punk” there. It might as well just be cyber-capitalism in the end.
I disagree with the word “capitalist”, but in emotion and general sense you nailed it.
Just a bit sad we’re as a planet navigating Lem’s “The Megabit Bomb” and of course “Summa Technologiae” so slowly.
I mean sure, maybe it will get some people whose entire personality is “I am pretty, worship me!” to think about doing something actually useful or learning and developing a real personality.
You’d be surprised.