I use a generic custom domain. Like @tangomail.com. I’ve enabled catch-all on that domain and create aliases on the fly.
Prior to that I’ve used Simple Login, AnonAddy and DuckDuckGo E-mail Protection. I’ve used DDG the longest, and the only thing I miss was a dashboard.
I use Firefox Relay, I use the paid version but the free version is good too
I use this too - why was this downvoted? Is there something we’re missing with Relay?
Simplelogin with proton pass. With proton pass it couldn’t be easier (aside from a keyboard integration)
I use SimpleLogin, since it comes with my Proton subscription and integrates with BitWarden.
That’s also my setup. I like that Bitwarden lets you generate aliases on the fly provided you entered your API key. Otherwise the Simple Login app is also very convenient.
Anonaddy with bitwarden integration. I went with them over Simplelogin for the price.
Bitwarden integration. Tell me more
Works the same way as the others mentioned here.
Oh nice. Didnt know about this 😄 definetly gonna start use this
Anonaddy, I’ve been using it for a few years.
Spam Gourmet. The main feature is that for each alias you set the maximum number of emails to be forwarded before dumping them to /dev/null.
Same here. Really usefull
Buy a domain with privacy whois. Host email somewhere (zoho, mailbox.org or the likes). Use the domain as a catch-all address. Profit.
I just use DuckDuckGo’s one. with a bit of tinkering you can make it integrate with Bitwarden.
Thanks for mentioning this. I didn’t know Bitwarden worked with DDG’s email service.
The Bitwarden official documentation covers this for anyone looking: https://bitwarden.com/help/generator/