Comcast advertising “10G” in hopes to confuse consumers to accept slower speeds::Comcast says Xfinity offers 10G home internet, but the term “10G” is hazy and potentially misleading—especially because it has no relation to 5G for cell phones.
AT&T’s 4GE is rolling over in its grave.
I am so thankful to have fiber. I am paying $50 a month for 300 mbps up and down. It’s nice.
I live in a small city with municipal fiber. 1 Gbps symmetrical is glorious and I would happily pay more than the $70 they’re charging.
I moved from the Bay Area, the tech capital of the world, where Comcast had a monopoly. I was paying $70 a month for 100 Mbps down, 10 Mbps up.with a 1TB per month data cap. I moved to another state where there is competition for internet service, and was able to for $70 per month get 1 Gbps up and down with no data cap. It’s crazy how that works, huh?
Even when they use industry-standard terms, like Mbps, they don’t even advertise their upload speed (because it is piss-poor).
I’m at up to 250mbps down and 10mbps up for $90 usd a month. In fairness though I do see that max speed, and even a bit over it regularly.
There is a local Power company around here that started running fiber to their service area, but sadly I am not in it so I am stuck with ComCrap
I just left their service. I was at 1000 Mbps / 20 Mbps (typically around 850 Mbps / 18 Mbps due to equipment) with unlimited data for $120 a month. Such a waste.
I wish I could, but they are the only high speed around me unless I go with LTE, which can be spotty and is more expensive for slower speeds.
I will say I think I’m till in an intro price. But I’m at $60 for 800 down and I think 20 up
Yeah, I was paying 120 for that
Holy shit lol If mine goes up to that I’ll be canceling and making a new account under my SOs name lol. I have my own modem so it would be really simple to switch over lol
I had someone come to me and ask why they were struggling to upload videos to YouTube despite having a slew of expensive gaming and recording equipment. I had to tell them their only option was to hope that Comcast actually honors their advertised up speed for their business lines and to pay for that.
Can confirm.
I use Xfinity since they have a monopoly on our area and we don’t really have any other choice. It costs $70/month for 100mbps DOWNLOAD. and it’s about 8mbps upload.
American ISPs are literally the devil
That’s awful. For a long time they were the only ones offering over 100m in my area, I hated the asymmetrical speeds but at least the service was reliable. Jumped ship as soon as fiber came to the area.
Im with comcast but in UK, nowtv broadband and i pay £21 a month for 70mbps, no issues so far. You guy are gettin ripped off something awful
I wish you the same thing that happened to me… I accidentally opened the door to a doorknocker and they asked, “Would you like to save money on your internet connection?”
I told them, “No thank you, I’d actually pay more for faster internet and no cap, since I download a lot…”
They inform me that they’ve just rolled out gigabit fibre on our block. AND IT WAS LESS EXPENSIVE THAN MY 70mbps!
The only time I’ve bitten on doorknocker offer. It was the best computer decision I’ve made since going SSD-only for all games and applications. It’s gigabit up AND down.
This will happen to you. This will happen to you next week. I’m, uhhh… manifesting it as the kids would say.
fiber is a beautiful thing. Both because it’s just objectively better than cable, but also because it side skirts the FCC’s enforced broadband monopolies, so that companies can actually compete in getting it to you. Unfortunately, the fiber expansion in my area has been on an indefinite hold because it’s “awaiting HOA approval”, So everyone around me gets cheap fiber, but my neighborhood is still stuck with xfinity :/
We have isp competition that they show roll upgrades on (we don’t get the fastest stuff but a few years later it starts trickling in) but at least we’re not that bad off, I have 900down for 70
I don’t know how it is for Xfinity, but I work for Spectrum and the low upload is because there is not enough room for it on coaxial cable running at 750MHz or whatever it actually is. A big majority of the bandwidth of the cable, for my company at least, is taken by television and download, which we currently run a docsis 3.0 and a docsis 3.1 segment for download. The upload is a shrimpy part of the band. I know in some areas we are upgrading to support 1.2 or 1.4 GHz, lots more room, so we’re able to increase upload in those areas. This is all rolling out now, I imagine other providers using copper will be doing similar eventually to compete with each other. Lets us run more upload plus double the docsis 3.1 segment so we can go into higher speeds for download (like 2Gbps). One consequence of this is we’re screwing older TV customers, old cable boxes and also TiVo/cable card shit are gonna stop working.
Not trying to astroturf it advertise it whatever, just sharing what they have been telling us. Upload has always been dogshit because they wanted big download numbers to advertise. I literally get free cable from work but have AT&T fiber installed at my house because I can’t handle the instability of the up pipe on coax for some of the shit I do. (Stream to twitch, run a Plex server, etc) it also makes you lag worse in games. Not the overall low speed, just the instability.
I imagine other providers using copper will be doing similar eventually to compete with each other.
Where do you live that you actually have competition? I’ve never heard of two cable providers covering the same territory. The whole industry is a racket.
Where I lived in Maryland, I had Xfinity and FiOS coverage at my house. Probably the reason prices were so reasonable.
They’re rolling out a thing where you can pay a subscription to get 50mbps upload instead, I’m not sure if that’s why it’s so embarrassingly slow
That ain’t right
Holy moly that is horrid :/ sorry to hear it.
luckily, that was the original price. after like an hour on support the price was lowered to $55/mo for 300mbps. Not great but at least it’s better.
I went from living in the sticks paying $85 for 500/250 to fios in my new place paying $80 almost gig up and down. I’m happy too but now I wonder if I could have talked them down too. Good idea sir.
Best I can do in my 1k person town in Washington is 10mbps down and less than 1mbps up. It’s 50 bucks a month. They ran fiber lines through our farm ground to get to town this spring though so I’m hoping it’s available soon.
Yeah it’s the places where they have a monopoly where they get shitty.
I have them where I am but there’s other competition. So I get 1200Mbps down and up for $95 a month. But that includes the extra like $15 a month to have unlimited data which is bullshit.
Here in Alaska you can have a cell line, 500mbps, and unlimited data for $125.
500mbps up? Or just down
500 down, maybe 50 up but I’d have to go check.
Edit: $110/mo for 500 down / 20 up, 600gb monthly cap before throttling.
Their only unlimited data plan is actually $185/mo. 2.5gbps download, 75 mbps upload.
You should look into starlink!
Starlink costs even more for a slower and more inconstent service
Most people don’t even understand mbps. People get the most expensive plans when it won’t even make a difference for what they do, they just believe it will work better.
10 Gold coins for our shitty internet please, hand it over 😐✋
I’ll give up 5g and a middle toe if I could just have 3g back. I live in the middle of no where and 3g worked great, we got rid of that and now phone loves to say it has 5g while fucking off and not loading anything.
I’m going to assume that 4g works decently enough where you are at this point. Much the same thing happened during the 4g rollout - it was too sparse, the phone spent too many resources hunting for a 4g signal when 3g was right there. You end up with a less stable connection because it’s constantly bouncing back and forth.
I think if you look up how to disable 5g on whatever phone you have (which is possible on any phone) and stick to 4g for now you’ll find the performance is as good as ever - if not better, with some of the load from other users being pushed to 5g.
I worked for “a major phone company” when 4g was rolling out. It’s unfortunate during this period, but I don’t know how you prevent it. 5g will objectively be better for 99.9% of users at some point - it might not be now, but everyone has to sell a 5g phone to “future proof” and have another selling feature. I wish the companies would educate people a little more on the rollout but then you’re basically telling them “this thing we’re selling you isn’t really ready yet”. And I mean, if you live in a major city, it’s working just fine… but not everybody does.
This is what I do when I’m at busy events and the service is degraded.
Just keep cutting off levels until I get to one that works well.
I have heard that before and have tried to do that a few times but my phone ( moto 5g ace) doesn’t give me the option. I have googled it many times and mine has no option for prefered network type. It’s supposed to, but the option is just not there on mine. Some other people have said it may be carrier locked but I really don’t have any idea.
Yeah I’m seeing this stupid 10G thing advertised by Mediacom, too in my area. Like, we’re just entering 5G era here and there’s this…10G? So, you’re meaning to tell me that we’ve been duped into believing 5G all along as being the next best thing but oh wait, did they dig this 10G shit out from some governmental secret program that was hidden for years to provide us this speed to browse with?
It’s twice as fast as the government tracking provided by 5G!
(…or whatever it is the nut jobs say about 5G…)
Cable companies are garbage but this is a rare unneeded self own on Comcast’s part. They’re cashing in on the 5G hype even though their offerings are better. 5G is barely faster than LTE outside of UWB in the US which is extremely limited in coverage.
They’re rolling out multi gig when even my fiber FIOS connection is limited to just under 1Gbps DL. Cable companies like Comcast are even increasing their piss poor upload speeds. There is no need to try to confuse people with this 10G marketing nonsense.
Yeah it’s total marketing nonsense, always have to be informed as a customer and not fall into that trap. Always chose fiber if available, if you have to suck it up with cable, check the actual speed you’re getting.
WiFi hotstpot through your phone provider can be a solution, however many providers have a cap on hotspot data in fine print even with unlimited data plans. Check that.
The day I moved to my current place and had the choice of fiber or cable, I felt so free. It’s so nice to have real competition.
I honestly think it was in response to EPB. I noticed EPB advertising 10 Gig and then weeks later noticed Comcast advertising 10G.
Checking EPB’s site they claim to be the first 10 Gig residential provider in the U.S. and I don’t doubt it. It’s on their back alone Chattanooga got deemed Gig city. Which I might add suddenly meant that Comcast began offering near (and later actual and higher) 1 Gbps speeds not on business accounts.
Sonic on the West Coast probably has that distinction when it comes to 10Gb. But yeah, I think city run ISPs have also caught Comcast’s attention. Which is why there is so much legislative pressure against municipal ISPs.
They’re scared shitless of wireless / 5G/LTE providers offering service. I’ve never seen so many scare ads about how three old ladies watching YouTube will yank your home wifi or that you’ll have to cut down every tree so you can see the cell tower to get service.
The only places they were installing faster service is where they have competition from fiber and with viable wireless competitors they’re running scared.
And that’s where Comcast and other ISPs should be focusing their energy. Not in places where there is currently good wired competition. But in the rural and underserved areas where even when you have a wired cable option, the service is terrible and you have no other options but cellular and satellite which have their own challenges and problems.
I never cared so much about internet experience as I have now when I have both a cable and fiber option. The only thing that would make it better would be if I had a municipal ISP that would compete with them both.
This is the new DOCSIS4.0 network. I really don’t understand how it is as contentious as everyone makes it out to be. It’s a new standard allowing for faster speeds.
Agreed. My area already has 100mpbs and 200mpbs uploads too.
It’s contentious because it is intentionally confusing and doesn’t need to be.
They can just call it DOCSIS 4.0 and tell their actual speeds. It’s not like they need to hide it. Comcast and other cable providers are finally getting multi gig speeds and their piss poor upload speeds are being raised. Meanwhile fiber providers like Verizon FIOS have yet to roll out consumer multgig outside of NYC and still don’t have IPV6 available everywhere.
What are the “actual speeds?” They’re selling 10gbps circuits so I don’t really see a problem with this.
This article talks about low upload speeds on existing infra and completely ignores the fact that the limitations they spell out are a factor of extremely limited upload spectra on traditional DOCSIS networks. This is a problem with the technical standard, not the carriers (which have their own problems)
The funniest part is that the DOCSIS4.0 spec is addressing this limitation yet here we are.
Is node over subscription a problem? Absolutely. But I don’t think the root of that problem is the marketing department.
I would not put much stock in this article because they are either uninformed on what they’re reporting on, or intentionally telling half truths. There are enough reasons to hate cable companies, we don’t need to invent new ones.
It’s just clickbait for under-informed people looking for another “cable co bad” article. Granted, they really should say 10Gig, but I genuinely don’t see how Joe Consumer would see that ad and go “oh wow! That’s twice as fast as my phone!!!1!!1”
I agree. It would be one thing if they advertised symmetric speeds, but they aren’t. The FCC will also have cable companies labeling internet plans with these soon. This seems like a nonissue.
How is it intentionally confusing?
Providers have been using G for speeds for a long time. Just because the media became obsessed with 5G for some reason, which uses G for Gen, doesn’t mean the other use of G became intentionally confusing.
They can just call it DOCSIS 4.0
And nobody, including myself will know what it means without searching. The actual speed is 10G. As in 10gbps.
I’ve beenbkinda tracking this 10g branding for a while. The link speed isn’t actually 10g and they say it’s the 10th generation of their service.
G never meant speed, you have Gb, gb, gb/s(which is gigabit/second) and GB/s (gigabyte/second). This in itself was marketing nonsense made by network providers to put bigger numbers by using a measurement
And FWIW, docsis has been around for a long time and is basically meaningless for normal end users. It’s the protocol that your modem/router uses to connect to the CSPs network. You only need to know what it is if something goes wrong or you’re studying networking
Because it’s not 10G. Not in Gigs or Generations. Docsis 3.1 is 10G/2G. They’re not handing out those speeds. It doesn’t matter that they have 10G/6G capable hardware when they’re still selling people 800/300 at best.
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well obviously it means 10gbit, like some other places advertise 1gbit as 1g
They have had a 100Gbps network for years now. No one is getting 10Gbps to the house
It’s comcastic!
I can’t wait for the new Comcast I like your cut-g network
Dude we barely have 5G. The 5G that we currently have in some areas of the world isn’t even the full spectrum
Where’s the 6 and 7Gs? How much is one G?
Xfinity’s 10G network is technically slower than 5G. Peak theoretical throughput on an uncongested 5G network offers up to 20Gbps download and 10Gbps upload. Xfinity caps out at 10Gbps down and up.
In what world are people getting that kind of speed on 5G? In like a lab with perfect conditions and non-consumer equipment? Is this article written by T-Mobile home internet or something? I’ll take Comcast 10G over 5G wireless any day and I hate Comcast.
I automatically assumed 10G was short for 10Gb/s, so I guess I found nothing confusing about the name? They literally are advertising the speed in the name, I think that’s great compared to when they called shit “Blast” and other weird names.
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Theoretical limit is actually 70 Gbps which is even more laughable.
Honestly this article is for the less tech savvy, which I doubt much, if any, of the current Lemmy user base qualify as. It’s not a horrible one as far as that goes.
Their network isn’t 10Gbps either. I just had them send me a message last week saying our internet will be out for a day because they’re upgrading their 10G network. Guess what the max speed available is? 1.2Gbps. I was severely disappointed as I desperately need better upload speeds.
It wasn’t until a lot of googling later that I realized their “10G” means nothing and is just a marketing term a la AT&Ts “5Ge” they added to people’s phones to make them think they were getting faster speeds. They state they have future plans to upgrade which means I could get it in a year or 50 years from now.
I detest defending Comcast, but are you positive it was 1.2 Gbps and not 1.2 GBps? Because 1.2GBps is about 10 Gbps
Yes I am positive. ISPs never list their speeds in bytes. Pretend to be a new customer signing up for service to see what they really offer if you want confirmation.
It’s 1.2 Gbps.
I have the same plan. “Speeds up to 1.2Gbps (but you’ll never see more than 800Mbps)!”
The network is capable of 10Gbps, but are those speeds being offered? That bit might be a bit disingenuous, if you called the network by its max capable speeds, confusing people on lower tiers? I don’t know. Easier to talk about fibre to the home and its impact on ubiquity and reliability without getting into the names that imply speeds, to my tastes. Hear you on the rest and the name’s meaning too.
Yeah if Comcast wants to refer to their asymmetrical 1.2Gbps connection using its theoretical maximum, why can’t others compare it to other network’s theoretical maximums?
The author of this article is a grade A dumbass, or it’s a paid smear piece. Honestly I can’t tell.
If he’s comparing theoreticals, why not include the theoretical 44000Gbps of a fiber optic connection? If the author is somehow reading this: 44000 is more than 20!
It’s all that Millimeter Wave 5G garbage that drops coverage like a fart in the wind, hardly ever works, requires more expensive phone plans, and requires a special radio on your phone in addition to the normal 5g one.
That hasn’t been my experience with it at all. I quite enjoy the >500Mbps and 19 ms ping, and reliability is fine now.
Shouldn’t that be illegal?