I use the platters like this as my primary long term storage solution. It just saves so much space without the large enclosures. /s
Ah yes. The famous write-only backup solution :D
You joke but early 90s we had exactly this with magneto optical drives
I would take those and the adhesive rubber feet that you would get with switches and make coasters out of them to give away.
I’ve done this for years and it works great.
That’s funny, that’s exactly the method I stored my cdRoms back in the day.
I don’t have the space to hoard garbage.
No but now I know what to do with my old hard drive that failed :)
I use them as coffee mats…
I do that with save icons!
The 3.5s make for excellent coasters lol
How do you keep them from sticking onto cups
Good question, but I’ve not had that issue so far
I typically use yeti ramblers with a metal bases on them, though I’ve set ceramic mugs down on them too and they’ve not stuck. might depend on the drink a little?
Oh it’s probably vacuum sealed then so it doesn’t condensate
Maybe but I do spill a bit every now and then. Can’t speak for the regular ceramic mugs, though that’s a bit of a rarity and they just have herbal tea
I used to make clocks with the platters and give them to friends and family. Michael’s used to sell inexpensive clock mechanisms that looked really cool against the platter background. I haven’t seen them lately, but I’m sure someone sells them online.
That’s very cool, do you have a picture of them?
I will keep the magnets if I ever get into this in the future, but not the platters. I’ll just safely destroy them and dispose of them.
So far I only had 3 laptops and no desktops. I had 0 HDD failures, since I only ever had 3 of them so far.
The oldest one is more than 17 years old 80GB 2.5" Fujitsu HDD.The magnets are fantastic for tool mounts since they’re so strong
Back in the day, I’d go through HDDs faster than systems-always needed to add storage before I could replace the CPU. I didn’t start disassembling them until they got up to the 500 _M_B range, but you’d often get 3 platters back then. OP must be harvesting from a whole workgroup - I’ve only got a 3cm stack and 7 drives waiting for the screwdriver.
Yes. The magnets are ridiculously strong. Several hold screen in place on my heat exchanger, to keep leaves and lawn debris at bay.
Haven’t figured out a good use for the platters, but skeet shooting has crossed my mind.
If you wind a 2 or 3 layer pancake coil the size of the platter out of 12 or 14AWG magnet wire and dump a couple kJ through it from a capacitor bank, the platter will launch into the air. Don’t try it indoors unless you want a platter embedded in the ceiling.
Zombie apocalypse DIY railgun
Dude’s the Predator of the IT world
Pretty sure that title is firmly held by mcafe, even now.
Magnets, yes. Great for the fridge!
Just watch out for your fingers. Yeee-ouch.
Nope, but now I wish i did
Techno-shamanism! I made a dream-catcher made from some plates.
I made a DRAM catcher once.
I made a wind chime once that I really loved. Had to dirty the plates because they could catch the sun well enough to vaporize your retinas
I heard they keep data corruption away.
Oh wow!
That’s a funny looking Stanley cup.
Yet also (bitter-)sweet, those drives gave everything they had for you, it’s only right to honor their memory & remember them.
I just open the drives & put them on shelves.