I have a trio of identical printers I want to sell. I posted them on Craigslist and got literally no response.
I posted them on eBay and sold one but for 1/4 the asking price. It also cost me a fortune to ship it.
Does anyone here have experience doing this and mind sharing your knowledge?
For ebay you always want to take pictures first, package item properly with reinforcement/packaging material, weigh and measure the package. The shipping estimates are based on these metrics, so you need to do them ahead of time.
100% this. However, if these are budget printers shipping will eat into what you can charge for them.
Probably better to sell them locally if possible.
I think so too. But just isn’t working. I’ll try again
Whereabouts are you?
Pnw, usa
Ah. I can’t help there, but I figure if you keep trying, you’ll find someone local.
Yes, and printers with 300x300x400 build area are large and heavy
I posted on Facebook marketplace and it was sold within a day. I live in a town with 3,000 people in it. Facebook is the internet to most people here. Try there.
Oof, you won’t believe this but I don’t have a presence on any meta services.
But sounds like you’re probably right. Maybe I can get a friend to do it for me.
Me neither as of today lol. My account was logged into this morning and all my browsers and devices were deleted from their recognized device list and my passwords were all reset haha.
I’m officially off Meta as well. Now to notify all my relatives that my account is no longer mine.
I think as of like yesterday you can sign up just to marketplace with just an email, no Facebook account needed. Might be an EU only thing though
Interesting, I’ll give this a look, I’d make a throwaway email for that
Yep FB is the way to go for local sales. I’m in a large metro area and exclusively use it.
I would say that it realy depends on where you live, for Germany i would recommend eBay Kleinanzeigen.
Give it to someone who wants it and ask money in return.
Where are you from and which printer are you selling and for how much?
USA, two creality cr10sprov2’s with tiny machines firmware and upgrades. I sold the first one for $250 I think Might have been $225 I can’t remember as it was last year.
Ah, a little too far for me (Europe), the shipping wouldn’t be nice.
Hah indeed
Country/location and printers?
e.g. In Germany facebook is dead but from what I hear it is still used in the USA. Smiliar a Ender 3 has a diffrent target audiance than a Raise3D.
It’s USA, two creality cr10sprov2 but with tiny machines firmware and upgrades. I was poking at nextdoor this morning, has anyone used that?
Used prices were in a free fall. A Cr10s pro v2 is now around $100-150.
If your price is spot on it might just take a few weeks for a potential buyer to see it as those aren’t the typical beginner printers and print farms/businesses use different machines.
Thank you, this kind of puts it in perspective