I was reading the comments on a post on 196 and ran into a bunch of spam comments. I was surprised the mods hadn’t deleted them when I realized they all had a trash can icons on them. I’m thinking Sync is showing me comments that have been deleted. Is there a way to change this in the settings?
This has been a problem with apps for a while. The website doesn’t have the same problem.
It seems to only affect moderators.
I thought maybe the trash can meant the user was banned?
The one that looks like a person with a 🚫 is Banned user, trashcan is deleted comment, iirc. (Provided by a new spammer with an account <20 mins old)
There’s another icon for that which usually shows beside the trashcan iirc
With the current spammer, it’s easiest to just block them and the comments will disappear. I agree it would be nice if Sync would auto-filter them
Deleted comments with no replies should just be hidden by default.
As long as it’s within limits, I don’t mind seeing comments were deleted
Well the recent spammer dropped 29.5k comments in three hours.