Do I need to log out? then log back in? I don’t want to. But if logging out/in is necessary to refresh my filter settings, I will. I searched for a way to log out/ in but I can’t find it, but I will look harder if I need to. Let me know, or anything else I need to do to stop seeing Trump posts. Thanks.
I don’t know about filters because I haven’t used them since reddit so maybe they’re broken but logging in and out is done in the upper left corner in the profile switcher.
Thx homie
Hope someone who uses filters can give you some insight on it’s functionality!
I didn’t know you can do that. I can’t wait to remove “marvel” “Harry Potter” and “Lord of the Rings” from my feed forever.
“Nobody knows more about bypassing filters than me.” ~Donald Trump
If he fixed it, he’s never going to see this post again. :)
well that would be an interesting paradox
I did the same months ago but for Elon Musk and it’s worked fine. Not sure why it wouldn’t be working for you.
well I did the log out/ login thing and now it’s the next day and so far I haven’t seen any Trump posts.